chapter 12:

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I walked into the cafeteria the next day with Corban beside me.

"You know, you don't still have to show me around." I told him.

"Yeah, but I want to.  It's better than walking half of the entire school in silence on the was here."

"What class do you have before lunch?"


We made it to the cafeteria and I saw him.  Kojack.  As soon as I saw him I stopped talking to Corban which confused Corban a bit.

"You okay?" He asked.  I didn't answer and just stormed up to Kojack.

"Afternoon princess." Kojack said with a smirk.

"Don't even start with that.  You've know this when time haven't you!?"

"I was shocked you didn't." The tone of his voice was making me even angrier.  He was so cocky. "So, who told you?"

"My mom.  But absolutely nothing was stopping you from fucking telling me you ass!!!"

"That's not a very nice thing to say to your brother."

"Fuck you! Honestly I wish I still didn't know so I wouldn't have to live with the fact that my brother is such a condescending, self entitled, piece of shit!!"

Laughter.  That all that came out if his mouth.  He found this amusing.  Suddenly I felt something inside me that I'd never felt before.  It was pure rage.  The fact that he was sitting there laughing about this.  Taking it so lightly.

I did something that I never in my entire life had ever felt the urge to do.  I punched him as hard as I could manage.  As my fist collided with his face I heard a sickening crack.  It rang through the quiet cafeteria.  Blood instantly started gushing out of his nose.

He slowly lifted his hand up to his nose and covering his fingers in blood before drawing his hand back and examining the blood. 

His face turned five shades whiter as he stared at it.  Turning his hand to look at the blood in different lighting a frown came across his face.

"Well, looks like I was underestimating you." He remarked finally looking away from his blood soaked hand and over at me.  "Oh, and looks like we have an audience as well."

I turned around slowly and saw everyone in the cafeteria staring at us.  A lot of them had their phones out and were recording the altercation.

"Well, I guess I should head to the nurse.  I'm like seventy percent sure you broke my nose," His nose was still dripping with blood as he made this remark.  He took a break in talking as some of the blood fell into his mouth. "And I'm guess she's going to escort you to the office and call your parents.  Right Mrs. Williams?"

"For once your actually right.  Come with me young lady."

I felt a hand on my upper arm and the person dragged me away past all of the students who were now talking about what had just happened and out into the halls.

She stopped dragging me and instructed me to simply follow behind her.  And of course not wanting to get in anymore trouble I obliged and she lead me throughout the entire school until we made it to the office.

"Sit," she said  pointing at one of the hardest plastic chair outside of the office door. "Well contact your parents and of course Mr. Valencia's parents and then we'll have a discussion."

"Yes, ma'am." I said as politely as I could, not even trying to mask how scared I was.

I sat there in the hard plastic chair for what seemed like hours just waiting. 

Adopted By Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now