chapter 14:

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   **** Heyy guys, i know its been awhile since I updated and I'm sorry, I have just been so busy lately, but I'm back now!!!*****


"Essy!" Jared voice rang out through the house.

"What!?" i yelled back.

"Come here!"

"Okay, I'll be down there in a second!"

I found him standing in the living room waiting for me with a small smile on his face.

"Hey! So, what'd you want?" I asked.

"Well, i know I've been working a lot lately and we haven't spent much time together so i was wondering if you wanted to hang out today, just the two of us."

"Oh, yeah! I'd love too!"

"Great, we'll leave as soon as you get ready."

"Okay, right, I'll be back i guess."

I ran up to my room and grabbed the first clothes i found which turned out to be one of my fall out boy shirts and a pair of black skinny jeans with a small tear on the knees, I grabbed a plain pair of black converse and brushed my hair out before putting it up in my favorite hairstyle, a messy bun.

I grabbed my phone of of the night stand and forced it into my back pocket and walked back downstairs where Jared was still waiting in he living room, but instead of standing he was now sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Did I really take that long?"  I asked laughing slightly.

"Oh, yeah. I thought I was going to have to wait here forever." He said rolling his eyes and standing up from the couch.

He walked over to me and wrapped one of his arms around me and lead me out of the house and to his car.  He opened the passenger side door for me and i slid in slightly ungracefully which was basically the story of my life.

"So, where we going?" I asked when he had gotten in the driver seat.

"I told you, it's a surprise."

"What, no, you never said that!"

"Oh, I didn't?  well it is."

"It's a surprise, surprise!"

"Exactly!" He yelled.

I turned up the radio in the car and started singing along dramatically.  Jared joined in after a little bit and we almost crashed once 'cause we got to into a song but we both promised not to tell Gen about it.  

Finally he stopped the car and  looked up to see an aquarium.

"You brought me to an aquarium!?"

"Yeah, I remembered you said you had never been to an aquarium before but you like fish and stuff and you had always wanted to got to one so I brought you here. Why? do you want to go somewhere else?"

"No, no!  this is perfect!"  I said happily.

"Aright, well, lets go!"

We both stepped out of the car and walked int the huge building.  

"Essy, calm down.  don't knock any small children over."

"Fine!  I'll knock you over instead."  I shoved him lightly and he didn't even budge. Just laughed.

"Really.  you think you're gong to knock me over?"

"It was worth a shot." I said shrugging my shoulders.

We finally got to where the fish and stuff were after maneuvering our way through tons of groups of kids and families

We walked around for a long time which was mostly my fault because i stopped and looked at every single fish but Jared didn't complain. He just said he was happy that I was so happy which I was.

"You really like fish."

"Yeah, i wanted to be a marine biologist when i was little."

"Oh, yeah. what do you want to be now?"

"Video game designer."

"Those are two very different things."

"Yeah, well things change." I shrugged my shoulders slightly and watched as a penguin slid around.  "Did you always want to be an actor?"

"Mostly, I always really liked it, so, I guess yeah."

"Shep said the other day that he wanted to be a potato when he grew up."

Jared laughed loudly and leaned his head back.

"How did that even get brought up?"

"Gen and I were making mashed potatoes and he was watching us and suddenly blurted out that he wanted to be a potato."

"That sounds more like something Thomas would say.  when he was really little he would only eat mashed potatoes and then he found out you could eat potatoes in more ways than just mashed and he freaked out and would only eat things with potatoes in them so we started lying to him and just telling him things had potatoes in them but they didn't and he never figured it out.  Don't tell him about that."

"Your secrets safe with me."

"So, your sixteen. Have you thought about getting your drivers license?"

"Not really.  I guess I could. it would make getting around a lot easier."

"Yeah, just tell me when you want to get driving lessons and we'll find someone."

"Oh, do I get my own car?" I asked laughing.

"Of course you will."

"Wait, what i was joking."

"Why wouldn't we get you your own car.  We trust you not to do anything crazy."

"Really. You trust me not to do anything dumb.  I'm so flattered."

After a little while longer we finally left and decided to get something to eat so we stopped at some random restaurant on the way back to the house.

I was shocked at who greeted us when we walked in. It was Jasmine.

"Jazzy, what are you doing here?"

"I work here obviously. My parents own the restaurant."

"Oh, this is your parents restaurant."

"Yeah, well better get you guys a table got other people to deal with."

she lead us to a small table and handed us menus before leaving.

"Why is this menu a mix of Korean food and Italian food?" Jared asked confused as he stared at the menu.

"Because her dads from Korea and her moms Italian."

"Oh, guess that makes sense."

Jasmine came back a couple minutes later and took our drinks ad chatted a bit before someone in the kitchen yelled that some tables order was ready and she had to leave.

We were getting ready to leave about an hour later when Jasmine stopped me.

"Text me later, okay!" she yelled and i told he i would and we finally left.

"Well. Today's been a pretty good day.  We need to do this more often." Jared said as we walked into the house.

"Yeah. It was. And we should."

Adopted By Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now