€hapter 3:

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   I was so exhausted by 5th period that I could barely keep my head up.

  Time had gone by so wearily, that I bagan to believe this day would never end.

  My name is Alex Pierce, 15, and I am a foster kid. I moved here in the sixth grade, hoping for a fresh start with a new school and family.

  But obviously ,if you were to look at me, that didn't work out the way I had planned. Yet again, what does work out according to plan? Precisely, not a thing.

   Social life? Ha. That's the thing with me, I don't have one. I'm too socially awkward and derranged for a normal, teenage life.

  But yet, who is normal? Normal~ the usual, average, or typical state or condition.

  Who would want a life like that to live? I wouldn't.

   Be that as it may,  I continued to torture myself awake, until Paris was called a-front to read her poem.

  I immediately capered in excitement, like a bunny dodging its way from a car. Hearing the sound of her voice could keep me awake for years.

  Paris was so beautiful, with her long, waist length hair and her memorizing eyes.

   Who wouldn't fall madly in live with her.


   Subsequently, everyone in the room began to snicker under their cheap breaths.

  I thought it was an amazing poem, what is wrong with these morons.

  I heard Josh, some douche, whisper to a friend of his- "when you find where your heart belongs. Ha,her heart needs to be ripped out of her chest and pissed on by a skunk."  He mocked.

  I clenched my fists in anger, red beginning to blurr my vision.

    I can't get mad not here, but what is wrong with society.

  I could see Paris's eyes full with tears.

  She was trying so hard to blink them away.

  Seeing her hurt, was what set me off.

   I seized Josh's shirt and hoisted him high in the air, anger pulsing through my fists and sweat rolling down my temple.

  I could discry the fear in his eyes as I screamed words I couldn't hear myself.

  The anger had seized my vision and controlled my every movement.

  Then in a flash, my vision was back.

  I was no longer holding Josh, instead he was across the room in fetal position. I was in front of Paris, and everyone was gaping at me.

  What did I do? Or better yet, what did I say?

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