Alex's POV
Her eyes fluttered open slowly, squinting to adjust to the bright lights. I could feel my heart drop to my stomach and I gasped, "Paris, Oh my god..." .
Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion and pain, her lips parted as if to say something.
She looked at her hand, then to my face, as dumb realization slapped her in the face.
"I'll go get a doctor, I love you Rebel." K.C. says as she rushes past me and out the room.
As soon as the door clicks shut, Paris jerks her hand out of mine and I could hear the pain in her voice as she told me to leave, "Get out, Alex!"
I didn't even bother to argue. Nodding my head in understandment, I pushed my chair back and stood to leave.
I touched the back of my hand to her face, surprised that she didn't cower under my touch, and told her I loved her.
The door opened and a nurse walked in with K.C. following behind her.
I stared at Paris for a brief second as the doctor examined her, before turning to walk away.
"Hold on, where are you going?" K.C. says capering over to me.
"It's obvious she doesn't want me here, so I'll go. I don't want to hurt her anymore than she already is."
"Now hold on a second, Rebel what are you thinking? This boy has sat here with you every second that you've been here and proposed to you and all you have to say to him is leave? Girl, I know you better than that, you love him. I know what happened and it's a whole misunderstanding. For heaven's sake, you didn't even give him a chance to explain."
"She kissed him, without his consent or will. It was in no way his fault and I think you're over-reacting. Trust me on this." K.C. remarks, clearly frustrated.
The nurse was still in the room, standing awkwardly by the bedside, and scribbling things down on her clipboard.
"I'll get out of your way after a few questions, honey. First off, how are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" she asks, adjusting Paris's blankets.
"I'm fine, no pain. Thanks for asking. When can I leave to go home?" Paris mumbles softly.
"Well, we'll probably keep you until we can make sure there are no major problems and a social worker is supposed to be here soon to talk with you. Besides that, you shouldn't be in here for too long. Probably overnight."
"A social worker? Why, where's my aunt?" Paris says sitting up abruptly, gasping in pain.
"Now, now. Don't get yourself worked up. We'll talk about this later. For now you should just take it easy and rest. No worries for right now. " the nurse claims, giving K.C. and I a sharp glance.
"Push this button if you need anything and I'll be right here, okay? I'll be back later, otherwise."
With that she leaves, nearly shoving pass me on the way out.
An awkward silence charges the room as we all think over what to say. Paris was the first to speak, "Why should I believe you, Alex?"
A tear slides down her cheek as she pulls her eyes from the window to look at me.
"Because I love you. And I would NEVER hurt you like that. Paris I was going to propose to you that night, why would I ruin that for a slut like Evie." I plead, kneeling beside her bed frame.
She glances at her ring and back up at me. "You want to marry me? Me? Why?"
"Paris, if you could see the way I see, you would understand why I'm madly in love with you. You would understand the pain I was in the night you left. The night you almost died. You would see how hard it is for me not to just lean down and kiss you right now. My heart will be your shelter for as long as you need and my arms will be your home, if you promise to take me back. I'll NEVER let ANYTHING like that happen again. Paris, please believe me on this. I don't want to lose the only thing that makes me happy anymore. Please..."
"Be mine forever and marry me, for better and worse."
It was only a second of silence before she nodded her pretty little head furiously and broke down crying. She extended her arms out towards me and I gladly embraced her in a tight, but not too tight, hug.
"I love you Alex." she sobbed into my shoulder.
"I love you more..."

Better Off Alone✔
RomansaThough her heart was ruptured, and her mind was no longer acquainted... Paris Sophia, nicknamed PS, fought her way through life. Vaulting at every open opportunity that would occupy her from it. But how much pain can a woman truly take until she spl...