It's been a month since the incident occured.
I've tried so hard to walk up to him and apologize. But everytime, I trap myself in a corner and dare not to meet his eyes.
I have eaten much. I think he is worried about me because sometimes I catch his eyes staring at my body.
By 8th period I already wanted to go home.
I was tired and my shirt clinged to my skin with sweat.
Where is the air conditioning in this wretched place?
Anyway, I was in history when it happened. One minute we were writing notes, then the next we were assigned partners, and it just so happened that I was assigned Alex.
I sat there paralyzed and even though I couldn't see him, I knew Alex's eyes were on me. I could feel them.
I wasn't moving. There was no way. Part of the reason was because I didn't want to face him and the other was because I wasn't ready to give in.
Thank god I didn't have much time to think about the matter, because before I knew it he was beside me
Silence filled the space between us, making it awkward. Too awkward.
"I'm sorry," my words came out in a rush, "I was a jerk and I knew I was being one, but I just couldn't help myself."
But the truth was, I could have helped it, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to let anyone in.
I spent years building my walls, and they weren't coming down easily.
He said nothing, but merely nodded his head in agreement.
"I've kind of- nevermind. I want to apologize for making you feel the way I made you feel." I say opening my book, "I let you in, got your hopes up, only to destroy them. I want your forgiveness, Alex. "
"I'm ready to let you in, I think. I mean, I'll try. But, it'll be hard. The truth is, I really like you. No one has ever cared for me the way you do, and no one has ever looked at me the way you do. Every day, I see you at school. I see your pain. And it HURTS."
I felt my eyes tearing up as I said that last sentence. I never realized how it hurt. I only realized the absence of him not being there.
For a moment, a split second, I saw something flash across his eyes. I don't know what it was, maybe he missed me too. It's a long shot, but it gave me hope.
I sigh and look at my book, fiddling with pages.
My emotions are controlling my heart, my heart controlling my brain. I want to feel his breath upon my neck. I want that feeling I get when he's beside me to come back.
I bite my lip. Hard. I could taste the coppery taste of blood and i let it float across my tongue. Gripping the desk until my knuckles are white.
This is what it takes for me to shove my scream back down my throat. I want him to understand.
It was then that I felt relaxed. A sudden warmth has spread across my body and I released the grip I had on both the desk and my lip.
This warmth was familiar. Like it was truly a memory. No.
No, it wasn't a memory. It was a hand.
A warm hand tangled in mine as if to reassure me it was okay. It was Alex.
I couldn't hold my tears back, instead I choked on them.
I'm standing, walking. Slamming a door, a locker.
Run. My mind is screaming at me. Run.
He didn't follow after me and that was okay.
That was okay. It's okay.
I deserve this.

Better Off Alone✔
RomanceThough her heart was ruptured, and her mind was no longer acquainted... Paris Sophia, nicknamed PS, fought her way through life. Vaulting at every open opportunity that would occupy her from it. But how much pain can a woman truly take until she spl...