♡ Dear Fantastic Readers,
I just want to apologize for always updating so late. There is so much going on in my life that I just don't have the energy nor do I have the time to post daily. I do try to get chapters in whenever I am free, but that is hardly ever. So I wanted to inform you all that I am shortening the book shorter than I had inticipated. Instead of 40 chapters, there will now only be approximately 20-25; Along with an Epilogue. Thank you all for your consideration and taking time out of your life to read my book. Again, I am sorry it's rushed. Please Vote and Comment what you think. (If you are not following me, you should. Lol.) ♡Alex's POV:
I watched as her bony figure walked out of the classroom.
To be fair, I didn't know what to say. I wasn't ignoring her, I wasn't trying to make her mad; I was just surprised that she was apologizing.
I care for her so much and it's so hard to watch someone you love slowly fade away.
I got up about ten minutes later and walked slowly down the hall.
I love how the teachers could care less about us.
As I walk out the door, I could feel cold and icy flakes breezing past me.
It's so beautiful, the first snow of the season. Winter has always been my favorite.
I could see her footprints leading in the direction of her house, and I turned on my heel and walked the opposite way.
I'm not chasing after her this time, I'm simply waiting to see if she really meant what she said.
And it Is killing me.
I was in my bedroom drawing, when I got a text from an unfamiliar number.
Meet me on 5th street by the old shed, hurry, it's really important to me
I stared at the message for a while.
Why would she want to even see me, for one I said some really mean things the last time we actually spoke, and two after the kiss...
I don't want my feelings to be played with.
But like they always said, without risk there is no reward.
I grabbed my coat and headed out the door, immediately getting struck in the face with icy cold snow.
I pulled my hood up as I shivered, and headed down to fifth street.
Paris POV
I couldn't stand the pain my heart was taking. I just couldn't.
I needed to see him. I needed to feel his lips once more.
I needed him to be mine.
I was standing under a post and the lantern that hung from it was barely enough to see my hand in front of me.
Don't be mistaken, it wasn't dark outside, it was the blizzard that was truly dark.
It whipped around me as if it were taunting my existence.
He isn't showing up love, you deserve this. It whispered in my ear.
And just as the lantern began to burn out, along with my hope, I heard footsteps in the distance and my name being called.
I capered in eagerness and ran to the voice when I collided with a body.
I didn't even look up to see if it was Alex, instead I just clung to the frost bitten jacket.
Cold, wet tears streamed sadly down my face like a river
I knew it was Alex because of his cologne. Oh, how I loved his scent.
"Shhh, it's okay. Paris, I forgive you..." he mumbles into my hair.
I felt my heart rise into my throat at those words.
I forgive you.
He forgave me.
I wish he would have said those words an hour earlier, then maybe I wouldn't have given into my thoughts.

Better Off Alone✔
Storie d'amoreThough her heart was ruptured, and her mind was no longer acquainted... Paris Sophia, nicknamed PS, fought her way through life. Vaulting at every open opportunity that would occupy her from it. But how much pain can a woman truly take until she spl...