Hey I apologise for not updating for a month and a half. I know I keep apologizing but I have been so busy, lately. I love you all though, please vote and comment what you think should happen. Or comment your favorite character.
Alex's POV:
The doctors were screaming at me as I fought my way past.
Doctors were operating on Paris and I just needed to see her. She HAS to be okay.
Two men approached my shoulders, just as the doors to the west section of the building flew open.
My eyes widened, heart stopped, and throat clogged as they passed.
Doctors rushed past us, hovering over a body.
It was faint through the clouds of my daze, but I could hear them urgently speaking words -"Hurry, we need to get her down to Dr. Lakowski. This is worse than I thought..."
Other words were spoken, but as I caught view of her face, barely recognizable, everything else became faint and non-existent.
With security dragging me towards the door and my nearly dead Paris being rushed into operation rooms, everything seemed to be in slow motion.
It was as if she was fading from my grasp, from my life....in a literal sense.
As the doors closed behind Paris, I let my body go limp, giving up on fighting the security.
When my mind finally came back to reality, I was being shoved against a wall.
"Sir you need to calm down. Don't make us call a code white, okay!" The guy who had my left arm pinned, cautioned.
I just simply nodded in agony and set my gaze to the tiled floor.They released their grip on my arms and returned about their lives.
Why did it have to be her? The guy driving the semi should be behind those operating doors.
My eyes swelled up with painful tears as I slid down against the wall, bringing my knees to my chest.
I wouldn't describe myself as the type of guy to cry at vulnerability, but Paris brought out parts of me that I didn't even know I had.
I can't remember a time before her that I was truly happy, and I don't know how we got to where we are in such a short amount of time. I don't know what will happen in the next hour or what tomorrow will bring, but I don't want to spend it without her.
She taught me how to love when I didn't know how to fall.
She made me dance without moving a muscle.
She knew how to make me smile when I had nothing to smile for.
But maybe that's just it, maybe I didn't have a reason before.
But now I do and I'm proud to have it, I never want to let it go.
And now, I feel as if, without a will or say so, letting go is coming closer and closer to reality.
As if she's fading from existence, like she's letting go.
Like a tear, not wanting to leave the warmth of your face, but falling at gravity's will to dissolve into nothingness.
I felt a warm and shaky hand on my shoulder and the comforting sound of K.C.'s voice.
"She going to be okay, she's strong. " She says as if trying to reassure herself.
She is strong. But so was that semi.

Better Off Alone✔
RomanceThough her heart was ruptured, and her mind was no longer acquainted... Paris Sophia, nicknamed PS, fought her way through life. Vaulting at every open opportunity that would occupy her from it. But how much pain can a woman truly take until she spl...