Chapter 2: Who Are You?

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Let's Explain Me.

I am a person that has a lot of problems, including the ones that come with the phase that I'm going through.

My family is kinda complicated, I have two idiots that have half of my blood, they're just my mom's kids that are adults now. One of them knows me and the other doesn't, I am not interested in talking to the idiots that don't even talk to their awesome mother so they're not my siblings. Then we have My mom's brother, my "only" uncle that is divorced from the mother of my cousins that are also adults because I'm the smallest in the family. One of my cousins, Clare, did my sister's job, even if she didn't live with us, she took me to the cinema all the time, we talked about the boys I "liked" and that stuff, she was the best of her two siblings. Then there's another brother from my mom's side, he had also three kids that you can imagine are also adults, but he or his sons never talked to my mom or my uncle. Then, finally, it's my grandmother and I'm not lucky or grateful to have her. My grandmother is the most selfish and mean person I know, but that's for another chapter, right?

Then talking about my father's side, he's got two ex-brothers that he can't stand and that are also older than him, he only has contact with two of my cousins and one of them is a very stupid person but he doesn't get it. According to the things he told me, his mother was the sweetest person ever and about his dad, he knew him just for six years and then he passed away, but he was awesome too.

I'm grateful with the destiny to make my parents meet because even if my father is a complicated person, they're my parents and I love them, even if it is very very deep in my heart.  

All my life I was pretty clever and well, I am a musician and I mention it a lot so that's it. That's all. That's what everyone knows about me.

Time Is Gone and I'm Not So Alone

Weeks ran as horses in a race, I got friends that I was sure, weren't going to hurt me like the others, just because they knew the basic things about me. Not everything but something. They thought I was interesting, especially Lucas, this guy, that was Angela's cousin was interesting too.

Anne was turning to my friend and she was a very good person, she was very funny and that stuff, we liked kinda the same things and she was the one that introduced me to her group of friends.

-Hi, I'm Amy- I said a little more confident than other times

-Hi, I'm Emil and that's Lucas- he said pointing the guy with the phone that was next to him

-Oh, you're Angela's cousin, Right?- I asked and he nodded

-Okay, and then is me that you already know, Do you wanna sit here?- Anne asked pointing the chairs behind them

-Hum, okay?- I said doubting

-Yes, perfect, just socialize- she said and Emil started to look at me 

-You look like a friend of us, Lucas, she looks like Lydia- he said

-Hum, in fact, there's a study that proves that there are seven people that look physically like you in the world- they stared at me

-She actually is like Lydia- Anne said and I shrugged

-You should meet her some day- Lucas said   

And I don't regret doing it in my future, AA.

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