The sun will rise -2

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The Sun Will Shine

I woke up to the shining light. I stretched out my arms above my head, and breathed out. I sat up on my bed, I looked out my window by my bed, and looked down at the pool. Maybe I'll go for a swim today. It's been a while since I had gone swimming. I looked at my phone. It was twelve. Dad didn't wake me up. Oh well. 

I got up, put on my swim suit, put my hair up in a bun, wrapped a towel around my body, and went down stairs to the pool. The water glistened. The sun fell down on the water perfectly. I threw my towel on the floor, undid my hair, and jumped in. I let the water apply on my skin as I went further in. I swam to the top, and let myself float. It was a nice day. It was perfect temperature today. I closed my eyes, and let the sun fall on me. 

I went back into the water. I did strokes this time. I did at least twenty laps before I felt hungry. I started up the stairs, and ringed out my hair. I wrapped the towel around my body, looked up, closed my eyes to protect my eyes from the sun. I want to stay here forever. I love winter, but summer has its moments.

"Um. You're dad said to tell you he got lunch. Taco Bell," Some guy informed me. I looked to see it was Ryan from Hot Chelle Rae.

"Oh. Good," I smiled at him. Something inside of me turned. I'm just hungry is all. 

We walked inside, and there was a bag of Taco Bell. Ian, Jamie, my dad, and Nash already dug in, but Ryan waited. He didn't have to wait. I got out mine, and started to eat it. I was starving.

My dad's phone wen't off, and of course he had to get it. The studio is really the only time I really get to spend time with him. My mom is always away at this time of year, so I guess I'm usually alone. I don't know why I have to think about that every day. I know that noting is going to change.

"Your dad is a good man," Ryan spoke out.

"Yeah. He really had some good tips. The engineer is even put to shame in there," Jamie said. I took him for the shy one.

"I'm glad you think so," I said. How do I reply to that?

"So what do you do?" Ryan asked.

"I'm working at a music store for another year. Some stuff came up at collage, and I have to wait a year to reapply, so if that's what it takes," I said once I chewed all my food.

"What do you want to do?" Ian asked.

"I want to do what my dad does," I said with a smile.

My dad came in. "Hey guys. I have an emergency, and I'll be taking the day off. Um. I'm sorry," My dad grabbed his phone.

"What emergency?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon. Bye, Sara," He kissed me on the head, and rushed out. What was that about?

"Great home alone again," I looked at the guys. "Okay not so alone. I'm just going to change," Ryan made me so nervous. I don't know why. I put on shots, and a top so I could just go back down there.

"Um..." I have four guys in my house right now. I really don't know what to do. "I really want a pineapple," It was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I'm such a loser. "Do any of you want a pineapple?" I asked. They nodded. I went over to the pineapple while the guys talked among themselves. 

Ryan came over to me. "You seem sad," He said."Are you okay?" He asked.

"You don't want to know," I said. Why would anyone care about me? No one wants to listen to me.

"Yes I do," He sat on the counter.

I sighed, and said, "My parents are always gone. My mom is gone all summer, and my dad is away doing anything. And now he's keeping secrets from me. That was the one thing we had. No secrets. Just trust,"

"Maybe he's trying to protect you," Ryan said.

I took a deep breath. "Maybe. I just feel alone sometimes,"

"Talk to your friends," 

"What friends? I'm always on the road. I never stay in one place long, and I've been hurt a lot by people. Mostly because of who my dad is. I don't know why I'm telling you this," I laughed, and got a bowl for the pineapple slices.

"Because I'm your friend," Ryan said.

"What? I barely know you," I pointed out.

"And I want to get to know you, Sara," 

The way Ryan said my name made shivers run down my spine. I stood in-front of him close enough to smell his sent, and looked up. "What makes you think I want to be friends with you?" I asked.

Ryan leaned down. Our lips where so close. His where pink like the sunset. I wanted to touch them. What am I thinking? "Because I'm awesome," Ryan whispered.

I pushed him a little, and laughed. "You're such a dork!"

"See? We're already friends," Ryan jumped down. 

I shoved a pineapple slice in his mouth. The rest of the guys laughed. I forgot they where there. "The Pineapple Queen brings the citizens of townsville the pineapples," Did I really just say that. They all laughed, so I guess it's alright. 

I looked at all four of the boys. Maybe I'm not so alone after all.

"Thank you Sara," Ryan smiled.

"Hey. Our sound engineer is out tomorrow, and I was wondering if you're any good at it," Ian said as he took a slice.

"I'd love to," I smiled, and sat down with the guys. Ryan was sitting next to me, and I could feel my heart race. Why do I feel like this? I guess what my mom said was true. "The sun will shine."

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