Home -12

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I woke up in a strangers bed. I was wearing what I was last night. I looked around the room. There was a picture frame with Ryan and Jamie inside. I must be in Ryan's room. I don't remember doing anything last night. I got out of the blue sheets, grabbed my shoes, and walked out to the hallway. Now where do I go? I guess down the stairs. I tip-toed down the stars, and saw Ryan sitting on the staircase. He had his hands on his face. Like he was sad. I had this feeling that I should see what's wrong.

"Ryan?" I questioned as I sat down next to him. "What's wrong?" I put my hand on his knee concerned.

"We need to talk, Sara," Ryan said though his hands.

"What is it?" I asked looking straight at him.

"Everyone thinks you're single, and maybe you can fake date someone," Ryan laughed. "That's silly of me," Ryan put down his hands, and just looked forward with his body slupmped over. He shook his head, and put his hands on his face again. 

I pulled Ryan's hands down, and made him look at me. "It's not silly," I looked in Ryan's eyes, and whipped away his tears. "We can do this, and if this is what you really think is best, then so be it," I kissed him lightly on the lips.

Ryan pulled himself together. "I should get you home now," He spoke softly.

"What happened last night?" I asked as I looked up at Ryan standing up.

"You where drunk, and I was tired. I didn't want to drive the twenty nine miles to your house," Ryan laughed. He held out his hand for me to get up.

I took it, and Ryan led me outside to the car. Ryan even opened the door for me. How nice. That's how I know he's a keeper. He's perfect for me. 

"I can ask Justin Timberlake if he's up to it," I said on the ride back home.

"I don't know," Ryan said as he tightened the grip on the wheel. He really doesn't like the idea of Justin and I at all. I can't blame him. I didn't tell Ryan that Justin tried to ask me out. 

"Ryan c'mon. My dad would love it, and no one would try to steal me away from you," I pointed out.

"What if Justin wants you for himself?" Ryan asked. He doesn't know that he already does. Should I tell him? No.

"He'll know the situation between us," I said.

"There's no stopping you is there?" Ryan asked looking over at me as the light turned red.

"Nope," I grinned.

"Okay," Ryan stopped at my house, and opened the door for me. "I'll see you soon," Ryan hugged me.

"Bye, Ryan," I smiled, and walked to my door. I was about to open the door when I looked back to see Ryan watching me. I smiled, and walked in.

"You're home late," My mom smiled with a cup of coffee in her hand.

I ran to her, and gave her a hug. She smelt the same she always did. She smelt like home.

"You didn't answer me," My mom said with a serous tone. I could tell that she was happy to see me.

"I was drunk, Ryan was too tired to drive me all the way home, so I slept in his bed while he slept on the sofa," I said.

"Okay," My mom laughed, and gave me a smile.

"I missed you mom!" I smiled. It had been too long since I've seen her.

"I missed you too hun. C'mon, we have to talk about everything," Mom grabbed my hand, and took me to the study. She sat me by a chair by the big windows that showed the green grass with the bright green leaved trees on the other side.

We talked about everything. Me working with dad in the studio, Justin Timberlake, and she told me about some of the amazing singers she came into contact with. It was so nice to talk to my mom again. I missed her a lot. I'm glad she's back home.

Once I was done talking to mom I went back up to my room. I sat on my bed, and looked at my phone. I half expected Ryan to have left me a message, but my home screen was blank. I looked at my phone for a few seconds, before I decided it was best to just put it down. I looked around, and thought about what to do. There was nothing to do really. All I did was think about Ryan's lips on mine. I smiled a little. I took a deep breath, and sighed. My phone dinged. I looked down to see Ryan's message that read: "Come what may. We'll always have loud music  in our hearts". I smiled even more. I knew that this was going to be so worth it.

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