California -4

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I woke up, and looked around. Did I kiss Ryan last night? I think I did. I rubbed my eyes, and walked downstairs to get some tea. My dad was in the kitchen with my tea already made.

"Here. We need to get to California today, so pack for a couple days asap," My dad handed me the cup, and I went up stairs to pack.

I've only been to California once. It was to go to the Record Plant with my dad. I was only kid then, and the guys he was working for was doing coke, and he didn't want to be around that, so he quit. They found a new guy tho. He's almost as famous as my dad. if not more famous.

I looked at my favorite dress and thought,"Would Ryan like that?" What am I thinking?! I still can't get that kiss off my lips. I can still feel Ryans soft lips pushed against mine. I can still remember his tongue exploring around my mouth. I can still feel my heart race the way it did in that cab. I smiled. I touched my lips. I wonder if that kiss meant anything to him.

"Sara! Are you done?!" My dad called from down stairs.

I quickly grabbed my bags that I packed last night, and went down. "Ready dad," I smiled.

"Let's go get that plane," He said as we left.

I looked out my window. I couldn't stop smiling. Just the thought of Ryan made me smile. I'm going crazy.


We're in California now. The sun beamed on my face as I looked up. I smiled.

"Okay. The guys should be there soon. Let's get the equipment, and get this started," My dad demanded. I helped him unload, and set up the mics. Once the guys came, Nash helped us. Nash has been a help to us all throughout the recording process. My dad was happy I'm here now. I was done, and I looked out at the chairs. It reminded me of when I was in theater. I would look out at the people, and feel so happy.

"Looks great, right?" Ryan asked me.

I turned around to see him. "Yeah," I said. I don't really know how to talk to him now.

"That's why I love preforming. All the faces cheering at me. Makes me feel-"I cut him off.

"Happy," I said.

"Yeah," He nodded a little. He gave me a smile. "I guess we should talk about-" My dad cut him off.

"We should get started," My dad told him.

"Okay," Ryan winked at me, and went to the piano. We all took our positions, and got started.

It took us ten takes. The first few takes we could hear Nash play the guitar though the speakers that we set in the hallway with him, the other times it was Ryan humming since he couldn't do the song without humming it, and at take ten we got the perfect take.

"We got it guys!" My dad cheered. 

"Let's all go out, and celebrate!" Ryan suggested.

"I'm going to call it a night, but if you five want to go, then go ahead. Just take care of Sara," My dad said. He's so protective sometimes.

"Bye, Ken," We all waved goodbye.

"Let's go get drunk!" Nash said as he headed out.

We all followed him, and headed out to the bar. 

"Here's to the new album!" Ian said with his shot up in the air. We all put ours up, and clanked them together. We all drank them fast, and slammed them against the bar. We all cheered.

We got some beers, and sat at a table. Ryan sat next to me. Ryan whispered to me, "I like you," 

I looked at him to see him smiling. I smiled back, and bit my lip. A few beers latter, and Ryan and I where in the bathroom together. He kissed me, and pushed me against the wall. I pulled at his hair. Ryan sat me on the sink. I wrapped my legs around him. Ryan grabbed my head, and deepened the kiss. He slowly moved his hand down to the bottom of my back. Ryan moved my hair back, and kissed my neck.  He started sucking at it leaving a hickie. I moaned a little. I pulled his head back by his hair, and looked at him with my hungry eyes. I pressed my lips against his. 

"Let's go. They're still out there," I pushed Ryan away, fixed my hair, and walked out. I sat back at the table, and drank my beer.

Ryan returned shortly, and we acted as if nothing ever happened. One day we're going to really have to talk about this, but tonight... Tonight is the night to let go.

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