Little Lies 25

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Little Lies

There was a knock at the door. I have no idea who it could be. Ryan would just walk in, and Tom is in the city. I actually think my parents are in England.

I opened the door, and saw Harry Styles. I was so tempted to just shut the door in his face like he did with me. But I had to know why he was here. "What?" I asked trying to be nice.

"Hey, Sara I missed you," he spoke softly. His British accent made it sound smother.

"I don't miss you. It's been a year and now you miss me?" I asked trying to understand.

"I saw you with Justin Timberlake in a paper, a-" I cut him off,

"And then you realized what you were missing?" I said just as soft as him.

Harry put his hands on my waist and pulled me close. "I missed you," he whispered in my ear.

I pushed him away. "I never want to see you again. It was ages ago and it meant nothing. Now if you would leave," I paused. "It's what you're good at," I said to his face.

"You don't want me to leave,"

"Yes I do. I'm happy without your love. I'm with someone else. I love him more than I could ever love you," I raised my voice towards the end.

Harry pushed my hair behind my ear. He kept his hand on my check, and leaned in. He gave me a kiss, and I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry, and slap him, and a little part of me wanted to kiss him back. What is wrong with me?

My lips were sealed shut, but his tongue craved for an entrance. Harry's hands ran down my back all the way down to my butt. I closed my eyes tightly. I gasped and I opened my mouth and Harry's tongue roamed through mouth. I raised my knee up, and kicked Harry in the nuts. I started crying, and breathing heavy. His taste was still stained on my lips. I was paralyzed. I wanted to tell him to leave, but I couldn't speak.

"You can't tell you don't still have feelings for me. You know you wanted to kiss me. You know that you loved that year we dated behind your daddy's back. You like me. You love me," Harry walked closer to me. I didn't even hurt him a little?

"I've forgotten about us. I've forgotten about all the times you hurt me. I've forgotten that time you left me at the fair alone, because you where there with someone else. I've forgotten about the girl who you cheated on me with. I've forgotten. I know what love is, and what we had wasn't that. Perhaps you should take a good look in the mirror at what you've become. You're not the same. Nothing is the same. I'm not the girl you're looking for. She's out there, but she's not in this penthouse. And she's not in the broken pieces of our relationship. She's out there. So stop looking for her in me," I said to him quite calm.

"You're right. I just miss missing you. I miss someone who really cares for me. I'm tired of waiting!" Harry whined.

"You need to fix yourself. Find yourself,"

"I'm sorry," Harry walked out, and closed the door behind him.

"That was like magic," Kendall said as she walked out from hiding.

"What?" I asked as I took the wine from her hand.

"He was all up on you one second and then," She snapped her fingers. "He's bursting to tears. I've never seen that before. You're quite enchanting. I can see why Ryan likes you," Kendall walked over to the living room. "So what's Ryan going to think of all this?"

"Oh god. I can't tell him. We just got back together. I mean it's just a little lie right?" I asked.

"A little big lie," Kendall said to me.

"He'll never know if I don't tell him," I said softly.

"I have a feeling that's not the best idea, but it's your choice, and I'll keep your secret," Kendall said.

"Thanks," I smiled at her.



Also will Sara ever tell Ryan about what happened?

(Was going to post this Sunday but I got to 1k reads so I thought why not?)

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