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Jiyoung's POV

I was chatting with Jungkook. After a while he stopped replying, so I turned off his phone. Then I turned it back on. I forgot to search facts about BTS and this Jungkook guy.

I searched Jeon Jungkook and read a facts page on him and a wikipedia page and every info I can gather. So from what I know so far is that he's the youngest member. I made a mental note, I should call the other members hyungs.

My stomach dropped when I found out that the member he's closest to is Taehyung and that many people ship both of them and even have a ship name Vkook or Taekook.

Ok, I'm gonna admit something. I had a small crush on Taehyung when I was younger. What am I feeling nervous for?? That was years ago.

Some members already woke up because I can hear them talk, while here I am under the sheets, hoping they think I'm still asleep. I continued reading more facts and info about them as much as possible so I can survive through this day.

Ok, so this guy's name is Jimin. The guy I talked to first in this body earlier. Namjoon was the easiest to remember because of his features. Taehyung, of course I know him, then there's Hoseok and then —

All of a sudden, someone yanked the bed sheet and my eyes widened in surprise.

"Jungkook, I knew you were awake!" I heard a deep voice say and then laugh.

Someone got my hand and tried to look what I was looking at in Jungkook's phone.

"Are you trying to read stuff about our group?" The guy with the chubby cheeks from earlier laughed. His name was.... Jimin, right?

"You are?" The deep voiced person laughed. I turned to look at the person and my heart started pounding fast.


Ok, calm down. Act normal. Be cool....

"Well I admit. I googled our own group one time," Jimin chuckled. "I even google myself sometimes."

"Who googles theirselves?" Taehyung laughed at Jimin.

"Hey! I saw your google history and you definitely googled yourself!"

"How do you know my google history?"

Jimin just smiled at Taehyung innocently and then changed the topic. "Hey, Jungkook you okay now?"

I nodded my head. I was still lying down on the bed.

"What happened to Jungkook?" Taehyung asked and then sat on my bed and then ruffled my hair. I flinched a little bit at the sudden touch.

"He screamed in the middle of the night then ran to the bathroom."

"I... I had a bad dream," I intervened.

"What was it about?" Taehyung asked.

"Um..." Then I remembered my dream about the past with Taehyung in it. "I forgot."

"Oh, okay. I'm gonna go take a bath now," Jimin said then left me with Taehyung.

"I gotta go prepare my clothes, you should also," Taehyung said now standing up from my bed.

Take a bath, huh.... Take a bath??!

No freaking way am I gonna take a bath and see Jungkook's naked body!

I got up from bed and tried to pick my clothes for later. Then I laid it down on the bed. I looked at it in awe. It was expensive looking like the stuff idols wear. Well, maybe because I am in an idol's body.

Hm, maybe I shouldn't stress about being body swapped and try to enjoy it? Maybe a little bit?

My kinda peaceful thoughts were suddenly interrupted. I almost screamed at a sudden thought. So I immediately messaged Jungkook.

Did you take a bath yet?? Did you look
at my body please tell me you didnt..

Trust me... I didn't.
You can look at my body though

I blushed when I read that. Seriously?! A few seconds later I got a message again.

Sorry you took it the wrong way!
What I meant is I don't mind if
you look at mine, but you don't
have to if you don't want to!

I laughed. This Jungkook seems so innocent.

So I sent him a laughing emoji in response.

"Jungkook, why are you smiling at your phone?" A guy behind me said. I turned around flustered. It was... What was his name?

"Ohh, you're messaging someone! Is it a girl?" Another guy said and tried to look at my phone. I turned it off. I recognized him. He was Hoseok.

"Yeah, ah n-no!" Well technically I am messaging a girl, I said in my head.

"Is it IU sunbaenim?"


"Jungkook has a girlfriend?" Taehyung yelled from afar and then laughed. "I never even seen Jungkook interact with a girl properly."

"Hey! Jungkook, I mean I can interact with girls just fine..." I said, then I realized what I just said. I was defending Jungkook... Maybe it was because we interacted just fine a while ago, despite me being a girl, and I wanted to prove them wrong.

"I was kidding.. But seriously you have a girlfriend now?" Hoseok said.

"Ah, no....," I said hesitantly because I'm not sure if Jungkook even has a girlfriend that's probably a secret but who knows?? I'm gonna ask Jungkook later..

One of the guys laughed. I remember his name now. Its Namjoon.

"Jungkook's all grown up now!" He patted my back then left.

"Introduce me to the girl, ok? I need to make sure she won't hurt you," Taehyung said, then headed to the bathroom to take a bath.

I got back to Jungkook's phone.

Hey, um do you have a girlfriend?

I sent it then I quickly typed something.

I'm not interested in you or anything!

No, why?

They guys think you have a girlfriend
now! I messed up, sorry!

What?! try to convince them
I dont have one...


I got to go get ready for school now!! Annyeong!

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