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Hearing him say my name brought chills in my spine, and also made my eyes widen a bit.

"Is the name familiar to you?" he asked me.

I was quiet for a while before I said, "Nope. Not at all."

I lied for the 10000th time today. Well, I have to because I'm supposed to be Jungkook right now. We continued washing the dishes in silence until we finished. I wiped my hands on my pants and then went to the living room.

The hotel room we were staying in was so big it had a kitchen and a living room. It was almost like an apartment, but nope it was a hotel room.

So I went to the living room to rest and I sat on the couch beside Jimin.

"Hey," Jimin greeted me.

I smiled at him, "Hey, hyung."

"You did great on the interview a while ago," he smiled. "I didn't know you were that fluent in english already."

"Um... Actually, I'm not," I lied. "But hey, I'm learning."

"Ok," he nodded.

It was silent for awhile until he said something which really shocked me.

He sighed. "Quit the act. I know you're Lee Jiyoung."

My eyes widened in surprise. I didn't know how to respond to this. How did he know?! Should I keep acting or give in??

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Right now, you're not Jungkook. You're someone else," he said it so calmly, like he was so sure of what he said.

I laughed nervously. "Jimin, are you alright? Do you want to rest?"

"No... You're really not Jungkook. I'm sure. Call me crazy, but I know I'm not."

My heart was pounding in my chest. I felt like I disappointed Jungkook. What would Jimin do if he knew I'm not actually Jungkook? Possibilities filled my head that made me anxious.

"O-ok! I admit it! I'm not Jungkook! W-what do you want from me?"

"Nothing, I just wanted confirmation," he said calmly again. Why is he so calm about this?

After a few seconds, he chuckled, "Why are you so tense? I don't bite."

I calmed down a bit after hearing that then I said. "So... Can you help me?"

"Well, let me tell you a short story. My grandma got body swapped before, when she was about.. Your age, I think? And it was with this popular girl in her school. My grandma was bullied when she was young and so one night, a shooting star came out, and that was her wish. To be a girl with lots of friends and to be not bullied. She got her wish and so she body swapped with a popular girl from her school. She enjoyed it, the other girl didn't, it has been about a week when she got body swapped and they never got back to each others bodies yet. The other girl begged, but my grandma refused. So I'm gonna cut to the ending... My grandma wanted her old life back, she missed her family, but to get body swapped back to your body again, both of you need to remove your strong emotional desire to stay, and remove your purpose of wanting to stay in that body."

"... So that's it? That's how to go back to your own body again?"

"Yep. And the next day, you're back again."

I felt excited when I heard this. "Yes! So I just have to do that, and I'm back again, easy!"

Jimin shook his head. "You think it's easy for you? I actually over heard your whole convo with Taehyung in the kitchen and the van. Also, I knew from the moment you woke up in his body that you weren't Jungkook. I observed you carefully. That's how I knew you were Lee Jiyoung."

"Oh..." Damn he's scary.

He nodded his head. "I think you wont go back to your own body tomorrow if you don't remove your 'strong emotional desire to stay'."

I didn't know what to say to that. Jimin stood up and left the couch.

That's when I knew, exactly who was holding me back to be able to switch bodies the next day.


Shorttt updateeeee 😂

Ty for the votes/comments so far! :))

Almost back to school 😢😢 so expect slow updates lol.

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