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Jungkook's POV

I was on google, searching about body swaps. So from what I read so far, a few people experienced it.

How they went back? Some said they just came back the next day. Well, it has just been one day, maybe tomorrow I'll come back in my own body again?

I felt anxious, because I had doubts. What if I won't? Or worse, never?? The concert is in a few days and Jiyoung can't just learn our songs and choreographies in a few days. Also, I can't pretend to be a girl forever... I'm also not that good in english and I know Jiyoung might screw up again and the members would be weirded out.

I sighed and placed my head on Jiyoung's desk. Who could help me? I wonder if Ji's finding a way too.

Jiyoung's POV

I'm here eating food cooked by Jin. It tasted so good! I didn't know Jin could cook so well.

"Jin, why are you so good in cooking?" I accidentally blurted out.

He looked at me with a smirk. "I'm world wide chef."

Namjoon coughed. "Not this again."

Jin slapped Namjoon's arm with his chopsticks. "Hey, stob it! Just admit I'm good in cooking."

I just watched them argue as I ate and laughed. They kinda remind me of a married couple.

"Guys, why are you eating without me," we turned to look at Yoongi who was standing in front of us now.

"I thought you were sleeping?" Taehyung said.

Yoongi shrugged. "I tried to sleep, but I got hungry."

"Help yourself," Jin gestured to the food he made.

Yoongi took the empty seat beside Jimin and helped himself to some food.

"Yoongi hyung, you should be a cat in your next life," I said.

I don't know why I said that, and why I'm suddenly 'socializing' with the members now, but it just felt right to say that at the moment. The other members laughed except for Yoongi, but he didn't seem offended or angry.

"I want to be a rock, but cat doesn't seem bad," he shrugged.

We all laughed, except Yoongi again.


After a few minutes, we continued eating and some finally finished.

"Last one to finish washes the dishes!" Jin announced.

"Hey, unfair! I came here late because no one called me," Yoongi frowned.

"Ok, Yoongi is an exception," Jin said then he left.

Yoongi seemed like a guy you wouldn't want to mess with, yet he seems like a guy who is chill, and is secretly a huge softie behind all his coolness.

I was too busy thinking that I didn't realize everyone went already and that me, Taehyung and Yoongi were the only ones left. Taehyung looked at me and he looked like he knew what I was thinking.

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