chapter 4

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If your wondering why I care what people think, it's very simple, I don't want to get my ass beat. If I even just socialize I get beat up and I don't want to keep going home with brushed again. Carol already threaten to come up hear and see what's going on, I just told her that wasn't nessasary. Don't get me wrong I can fight, it's just if I do something that the students of the school don't approve of, like talking to someone, talking back to them, etc they gang up on me, and quite frankly I don't want to be hospitalized, so keep my mouth shut ane push everyone who want to get close to me.   This alex kid is going to get me killed and possibly him an outsider. Your probably thinking I'm overthinking on the killed part but I'm not. He's new that's even worse cause apparently it's like  how you can ruin a kids mind in like 5 minutes. Anyways I'm in my 3rd hour, about 6 minutes in the teacher gets a phone call " yep ok I'll send someone down- ok we are going to have a new person in the class but he couldn't find he's way so I need someone to pick him up" she said, and everyone raised their hand but me but for some reason this happened "Kayla why don't you go get him" she said "uhhh ok" I say getting up "he's at the office"she said as I walked out the door. Great just great, why me though everyone raised their hand and she chose me. Now they have a reason to beat me up. Great. Thanks a lot teacher. I get to the office and see alex standing there "oh god please tell me it isn't you" I whine "your hear to take me to class?" He said "yea I guess just come on and when we get in there you do not talk or look at me got it?" I say "yea......" He says. Walking to the class was silent he didn't talk at all, that was great and all but I feel like I hurt him by saying that. We get to the class and I walk in going to my seat and he goes to the teacher "you must be alex" she says, he nods "you can sit next to kayla, she is also going to be your partner for the project we are going to be doing"she says. can I just FUCK MY GOD DAMN LIFE. The teacher goes over the project and says it's mostly an after school project, it's a project for God's and goddess. We have to research a god and goddess and make a poster board for it and it's all due tomorrow. "Ok so do you want to sit together at lunch and figure how  and what were going to do?" he asked "yea sure" i say. When the bell rings i quickly get up and walk to the lunch room. Sitting in the lunch room I see guys laughing with alex and pointing at me. I could tell they were saying something along the lines 'ah dude you have to work with her I feel so bad for you'.fucking people. When they were done talking alex heads over to me "hey so do have an idea on the god and goddess we should do?" He asked sitting down "um yea what about poseidon the god of the sea and Aphrodite the goddess of love?"I say unsure "yea sure and we have to have picture do want o draw them?"he asked "yea sure" I say "cool.... And wanna go to your house or mine?" He asked "I don't know you chose" I say "why don't we go to your house" he says "uhhh ok" I say "ok it's settled then, I'm going to get lunch"he says getting up. I started looking up some pictures of them to get some inspiration,when someone sits in font of me "can't you sit somewhere else"I thinking it's alex "just because your partners on a project does not mean he's you friend got it" a guys says, I just nod. I'm just going to say I HATE THIS FUCKING SCHOOL. Anyways i draw the out line of poseidon,then start putting details when alex comes back "I see you are already drawing" he says sitting down "yep" I say "it's really good" he says "thanks" I say not looking up from the paper. Minutes later the same guy that came up to me while alex was gone came back and took the drawing "aw look at this" he says "give it back" I say standing, he pushes me into the table behind me, alex looks like he was going to do something, but didn't. "alex rip it" the guy says handing it to him, he looks at me then looks back at the paper, "don't please" I say, he ignores me then rips it and trows it to me. "Good job alex" the guy says "your a fucking asshole both of you" I say grabbing my stuff and walking away. I can't believe him, he just ripped it, like I might be overreacting, but still like first his nice to me then he ruins my stuff, it makes no since. After school I  quickly get off the bus and start walking towards my house when someone taps me on the shoulder, turning around I see alex "what?" I say walking away "we have to do our project remember" he says catching up to me "oh yea" I say "sorry for what I did at lunch" he says "it's fine, I made a new one" I said "oh really let me see" he says. I pull it out and hand it to him.

"This is really good" he says surprised "thanks were here" I say "stay out here give me your stuff" I continue "why?" He asked "I'm going to put it inside, I have to go get my little brother from school, and your coming with me"I say "I didn't know you had a little brother" he said handing me his bag "you know nothing about me nobody does" I say walking away. In the house, I go to the kitchen and put are stuff down " why do you have 2 bags?" Carol asked "my friends bag we have a project to do and we are going to get cole" I say "ok" she says as I walk out "ready?" He asked "yea let's go" I say starting to walk. We get to the school a little late  we were supposed to be there at 3 but got their and 3:15, so cole was standing outside with a teacher waiting for us. "Sorry I'm late" I say "it's ok no harm done, have a good day now" the teacher said walking back inside "how was school?" I ask cole "it was good , kayla who's that?" Cole asked " a friend of mine we have a project that's due tomorrow and we have to finish it" I state "ok" he says. We get back to the house and cole runs inside, with us close behind, "in here" I say leading us to the kitchen "you want anything?" i asked walking to the fridge grabbing a soda and some grapes "you have water?"he asked "of course tap or bottle?" I ask "bottle" he said sitting at the table. I grab his water and hand it to him "thanks" he said "no problem". Alex worked on the poster writing the information we had to write, and I was about have way done with drawing Aphrodite, "lets take a break my hand is cramping" I say dropping my pencil "so is mine"he laughs outing down his pencil, "Kayla I have to go to work o-" Carol says walking in the kitchen "I thought you were off today?" I question "me too but Britney got sick and couldn't go" she says "ok" I said "call me if nick comes home his not back yet" she says "alright bye" I say as she walking out the door "ok I'll be right back" I say getting up "amy Katie come down here please" I continue walking to the stairs "yes?"amy said as her and Katie walk down "um Carol had to go to work so I'm in charge again" I say "ok"Katie says "can I have some juice?"Katie asked "me too" amy said second "yea come on" I say walking them into the kitchen. Their both only 5 so they can't exactly reach the counter, and one time they tried to pour something and it didn't go so well, so that's why I have to pour it for them. I walk to the fridge grabbing the juice when "Kayla who's this?" Katie says "a friend of mine"I say pouring the juice "hears your drinks" I say handing them the cups " be careful with them ok" I said putting the juice away "ok"they both say walking away. I walk back to my seat and say "so where were we" "um talking a break" he says "oh yea" I say laughing "you have a lot of siblings" he said smiling " um their not my siblings, the only sibling I have is Cole" I say looking down "then why-" he started to say "I'm a foster kid so is my brother and all these kids" I say "oh I'm sorry.... Do you mind me asking what happiness to your parents?"he asked "my parents died when I was 10,my brother was only 3 so...."I say "I'm so sorry for asking" he says "it's fine, you didn't know" as I say that the door opens and almost immediately I knew it was nick. I quickly get up from my seat and head to the door "where the hell were you" I yell at him "I missed the bus so I walked home calm down" he says walking to the stairs " you couldn't have called Carol to pick you up or at least tell her your walking home, she was worried about you" I say "well she doesn't need to be I'm perfectly fine"he says "your a little brat you know that" I say "whatever"he says walking to his room. About 1 hour later we got done with the project "looks like were done" he says "yea, I have to make sure the kids got their homework done, they need to eat dinner and I have to make sure they get to bed" I say "you have to do all of that?" He asked "yea, only when Carol isn't home though" I say looking out the window, seeing that it's raining "it's raining you have a ride home?"I ask "no I was going to walk home and my parents are at work so they can't pick me up" he says "ok um.. why don't you stay here until your parents are off work" I suggest "you sure?"he questions "yep" I say "thank you" he said smiling "yea". Great.

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