Little by Little -Ch. 2-

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Little by Little

Ch. 2

I knew right away that something had to be done. I had to forget what happened. I could no longer think of the gentleness that remained in my life for a split second. I don’t think my heart could endure anymore of that. I had to make sure none of it would come into my life again.

Aunt brushed my hair silently while I read her favorite cooking magazine. Her brushing my hair calmed me down; it always has. She never asked questions nor did she talk at all. I liked it this way. There was nothing to be said anyways.

Her fingers slowly grasped my hair and with the brush I adored so much, my emotions loosened up a bit. This was enough. I turned around to stop her and she smiled at me. She knew I had become calm. I stood up and handed back her favorite magazine. I walked out into the kitchen to get a glass of water. This was my usual routine when I became unstable.

I went back to my room and decided it would be best if I could write something. Not write anything, I wanted to write poetry. Poetry led me into a peaceful state. I could never ignore the fact I had a gift for writing poetry. I stood up and walked over to where my thinking place was.

I grabbed my notebook and grabbed the magic pen. I sat on the chair, which was beside the window. I looked out. My imagination began.

                                                Killing feelings slowly

                                                Almost sets the mood of me

                                                    Being free.

I looked closely at this stanza and wondered why it flowed out of my pen so effortlessly. I ignored it and set my notebook down. I would have to finish this poem later. I couldn’t ruin the peaceful mood that I’m in. I stood up and wondered why I was so anxious. I thought of going to bed but then I would be skipping dinner. Aunt would worry and I would have to have some explanation for skipping out on a meal.

I could give an explanation.

I changed into clothes and dived into my bed. I smiled and realized how comfortable my bed was. This is what I definitely needed.

I slowly started closing my eyes. I had sworn on my life, I had heard those words again. Gentle.

You’re going to be okay.


My alarm went on before I could wake up before it. Normally, I would wake up before my alarm clock. This was unusual. I rolled my eyes and wondered what was wrong with me now. My sleeping patterns are telling me something is wrong. I even skipped a meal last night. Maybe those girls knocked something into me; their stupidity.

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