Little by Little -Ch. 6-

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Little by Little

Ch. 6

Today is it. Aunt and Uncle had already left this morning to pay their respects. I can’t believe it has been four years since I’ve been without my loving parents.

Today is when they passed away.

The driver already knew what to do. He brought the favorite flowers I loved so much. It was white and red roses mixed together. It was Monday and there was school today. I didn’t care if I missed the whole day, but I brought my bag anyways.

The driver and I set off to the cemetery. I looked out the car window and knew this year was no different. I would sit there, and look at their names, written into the stone. Where my parents were buried, is a private place. Many people visited them because they were such loving people. I knew there wouldn’t be anyone now. Everyone knew when I came and went. I didn’t want their sympathy.

I held the flowers and wondered how I survived these four years without their encouragement. I had always looked forward to someone praising me but no one was there. Not even aunt or uncle could praise me when I needed it.

Parents were such precious creatures. Even so, they bring you down with everything you do to try to please them, they still love you. They’re a part of you. You can’t break that off. Even if you hate them and don’t acknowledge them as parents, don’t forget that they brought you into the world for a reason. If they didn’t want you, they could’ve got rid of you easily. Instead, they decided to keep you. Yet, you don’t appreciate them. So I say, appreciate them. Respect them.

One day, they might leave you without them knowing.

One tear slid down my cheek as I realized I missed my mom and dad so much. I wasn’t like anyone else, wishing their parents would stop digging their noses into everything. Since I had no one to confide in, I confided in them. No one else has ever listen to me much as they did. I want them back.

We arrived at the cemetery. I got out of the car and gripped the flowers even tighter. I walked through the graves, as much as it scared me. I was afraid of death, and everything that involved it.

There were really old graves here. Some were from the 1920s. I wondered how long this town has been alive.

I got to the silver gate and pushed it open. I saw the flowers aunt and uncle give them every year. I read the grave, as I always have, just to make sure it was my parents, resting in peace.

Kierra & Peter Marshalls

Loving Parents & Wonderful Individuals

Kierra Hampton-Marshalls: May 3, 1976-November 21, 2009

Peter Marshalls: September 1, 1976-November 21, 2009

Tears began coming out of my eyes. Before I knew it, my whole emotions exploded. My chest was heaving and my eyes were burning. I looked at the stone once again to make sure it was my parents. I cried, and wished they would come back. I didn’t want them to leave so soon. I wasn’t fit enough to live without them.

I put the flowers all around their grave. What was I going to do for the rest of my life? I didn’t know what to do. No one told me what I had to do anymore. They let me live carefree when I wished someone could give me some guidance. I’m 17 and I still don’t know what to do with myself. No one cared what would happen to me.

I had to ask.

“Mom, Dad, it’s been four since you left me. Why did you leave me? I ask you this every year, but I never get an answer! I wanted to tell you, I made friends recently. I haven’t been happy but ever since they came, I smiled just once. Can you believe it? I wish you could be here and watch me grow. I wonder what you’re doing now. Are you well? Have you been eating well? Do you miss me, like I miss you? I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like, I’m still alone. No one cares about me. Everyone hates me at school. Aunt and uncle don’t care what I do. No one cares, Mom! Dad! You were the only ones who ever cared! How can I go, without anyone caring!? I might as well kill myself to be with you two! I don’t want to be alone anymore! I hate being alone!! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!?”

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