Little by Little -Ch. 7-

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Little by Little

Ch. 7

It was another day where I wanted everything to end. Reese and Nicolette were bothering me this whole morning of where I was. I had to tell them everything I did? I didn’t think friends worked that way. I was going to ignore them at lunch. I was especially going to ignore Jen and his little fakeness. I wasn’t going to fall for anymore of it.

I wasn’t writing down notes. I ended up drawing a bunch of hearts. I looked closely at my paper and wondered why I was drawing hearts. Usually, I drew stars. Stars, they were my favorite.

“Did you hear that Jen is going out with that new girl?” an obnoxiously girl yelled across the room, clearly to irritate me.

I pulled out my iPod. I knew they wanted to provoke me.

“Yeah,” another girl said, “Her name is Nicolette Pierre.”

I stopped moving my iPod and wondered if I heard that name right. I made sure the Nicolette I knew had the same last name. I tried to remember everything about this morning but I couldn’t bring myself to it. I had ignored everything that Nicolette and Reese were saying. Was she trying to tell me something important? But I completely shut her out?

I put my ear buds in and started listening to my music. I didn’t want to hear this. If Nicolette wants to tell me, she can tell me. I’m not going to squeeze into her business.

The bell rang and I got up. It was time for lunch. I packed up my things. I grabbed my binder and stuffed it into my bag. I zipped my bag close and swung it over my shoulder. I walked out of the classroom.

Just then, someone grasped my wrist. I looked to my right. I smiled and it was Reese.


I turned and saw Nicolette. On the side of her…


I looked back at Reese. We all started walking. Reese kept a grasp at my wrist. I totally forgotten about it because just being around Jen made me shaky inside. I kept my eyes glued to the floor and let Reese guide me of where I walked. I didn’t want to see Jen. Yesterday, I was unaware of my emotions and said things. For the most of it, what I said were all true. I just imagined I never would be able to say it out loud.

“Park, where do you want to sit today?” Reese asked me.

I looked at him and noticed we arrived at the cafeteria. I looked around and saw the corner. I pointed where we usually sat. I looked at Nicolette and caught the glimpse of her and Jen holding hands. I quickly turned away. I didn’t want to see that or else I would throw up. I feel so bad for Nicolette. She doesn’t know he’s just using her. Nicolette is pretty slow but she’s just an amazing person. It would be nice if Jen actually started to like her and stop following and bothering me. I would like that.

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