Little by Little -Ch. 16-

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Little by Little                                    

Ch. 16

It was finally prom. I knew the tension between me and Reese was huge. I couldn’t let him go to prom alone though. I had to be there for him. Nicolette was obviously taking me to the after party. I am forced to go. I don’t want to go though.

For Reese, I have to though. Nicolette came to help me get ready. I didn’t know anything about putting on a dress like the one I bought or putting on makeup. I never really cared for certain things like that. Nicolette had gotten herself ready since she was more familiar with stuff more than me. I watched her as she put on makeup. I was never really fascinated with makeup. Nicolette was wearing a peach colored looking dress. I went so well with her. I loved it.

Nicolette finished with herself. It was an hour before Reese and Jen would pick us up. I was a bit tensed towards Jen than ever before.

Nicolette applied my makeup. I sat there and felt the makeup slowly melt into my skin. Nicolette had also did my hair. She put it up and had curled some parts. It was time to put on my dress.

Nicolette helped me put it on. She grabbed my white heels and helped me put it on. I looked at her and she was grinning like a fool. I heard the doorbell ring and already knew a maid was about to get the door. I already told them Reese and Jen were coming over to pick us up. Sadly, aunt and uncle couldn’t see me in a prom dress. They were in Italy for a very important meeting that couldn’t be missed. It was involved with me.

The maid walked in. “Mr. Pierre and Mr. Callister are waiting in the main hall.”

I nodded and looked at Nicolette. “Is this dress too much? I didn’t know what I was doing when I went shopping.”

Nicolette smiled. “Park, to be honest, I think you look much more beautiful than I am. I feel so insecure standing next to you. I feel like you should be a model.”

I shook my head. “You’re the one who looks beautiful.”

Nicolette smiled. She turned me towards the mirror. I looked at my eyes. They were dark and smokey, perfectly blending well with the dress. My lips were a light pink and so were my cheeks. My hair was perfection. All I could think of was I knew I had chosen the right dress.

“It’s time to go to the guys.” Nicolette smiled. I nodded and followed her out. I kept worrying if I was going to fall. I never really experienced myself with heels before. I took a deep breath after Nicolette disappeared to meet Jen in the main hall.

I took a step out and my eyes first hit Jen. I saw his hand leave Nicolette’s. Our eyes stared into each others. There was nothing to block that gaze. I couldn’t even block it. I wanted to turn away but I couldn’t. Jen captivated my eyes when I didn’t want him to.

I felt a hand in my hand and that took me off his eyes. I looked at saw Reese at my side. He was smiling at me and looking deep into my eyes too.

“You look amazing, Park.” Reese said.

“Thank you.” I said. I didn’t glance at Jen again. I probably wouldn’t have the strength to look away. His eyes were like a black hole to me now. I was pulled in by him.

Reese walked me to the car and I got in. Jen and Nicolette got in also. We drove off to the hotel our prom was being held at. It was ending at midnight so I had to suck it up and spend my time well.  

We arrived at the hotel and parked the car. Reese helped me out while Jen helped out Nicolette. We began walking and I noticed a lot of people were looking at me. I couldn’t face the stares and just continued to look at the floor and hold onto Reese’s arms.

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