Little by Little -Ch. 5-

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Little by Little

Ch. 5

He stared into my eyes a bit. He suddenly smiled but I could tell it was a forced smile. He could bother me all he wants, I’ll just keep ignoring him.

He walked up to me, so close I had no more personal space. He put a hand on my cheek, but I still remained glaring at him. His hands were cold but they were gentle with my face. I thought always his hands were big and hairy and rough. They weren’t though. They were really soft.

“Stop,” I demanded.

Jen looked into my eyes once again and leaned down. My body had frozen. It was so still that it made time stop. I didn’t know how to react. This was the first time it actually happened to me. With other people, it was shoving them away. With Jen, my body couldn’t react. It was frozen into a state I couldn’t understand.

“If you just said yes to me, none of this would’ve happened. I have control over your life, Park Marshalls.” Jen smiled.

I scoffed and finally returned to my senses. I pushed away his hand and stood back. I looked at him and realized he was right. He was despicable. Telling me to go to a dance with him, just so I could do his homework. What a way to bully someone, Jen.

“I did your homework for a semester. Can’t you be happy that you made it into high school? Jeez, I’m leaving.” I rolled my eyes and walked around him, but he caught my arm.

“I heard some girl and guy is hanging around you now.” He said.

“So what?” I said.

“They should watch their backs more often. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them away from you.” Jen said.

“Try. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep them away from you.” I said.

Jen smiled. “Fine. You’ll do whatever it takes to keep me away from them? I’ll ask you once then.”

“What do you want? Another semester of homework I should do?” I asked.

“No, you be my—”


I turned my attention behind me. I saw Reese walking up to me with a big smile. He approached me and smiled at me. He looked at Jen then his smile was gone.

“Park, what’re you doing here? I thought you were at home.” Reese said.

I shook my head. “I came here to buy a phone. Then I bought a jacket. I’m leaving right now.”

“Oh, do you mind if I give you a ride home?” Reese asked.

I thought about it. This time, I could ask for his and Nicolette’s number. This was a perfect time. I just had to let my driver know that I would be going home with friends. I’m sure he would understand. The driver was always easy going. I shouldn’t have any problems.

“Yeah, you can.” I said.

I turned to Jen but he had this deadly look on his face while he looked at Reese. I ignored him and walked around him. Reese followed me.

I walked out from the entrance. Reese was walking beside me. He kept giving me a glance every now and then but I didn’t bother with it. I saw the driver and walked over to him. I told him one of my friends is giving me a ride home and that he’s off until tomorrow morning when I leave for school. He accepted my request and was out of here at the speed of light.

Reese walked me to his car. It was a black Dodge Neon. He opened the door for me. I got in and then we were off.

Reese turned on the music.

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