Little by Little -Ch. 4-

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Little by Little

Ch. 4

It has been already a week since the arrival of Reese and Nicolette. I’m surprised they survived this long. I hung out with them each day. And each day, I could feel myself being pulled out of my chained closet where I shut out all my feelings. They were so lively. They made me feel better about life and taught me to embrace so much.

It seems they moved here because their parents were going to be out of the country for a whole year. They didn’t want them in a big city by themselves so they sent them here. It was where their dad’s family was but they had their own house and everything.

Nicolette had joined cheerleading and she was really good at it. Reese and I would usually go watch her at practices. Reese had also joined basketball; he was amazing too. They both had it naturally in their genes to be active.

I had figured out Reese and Nicolette were a year apart. Reese was a senior now, and he was going to graduate this year.

Also, the looks had died down to, as to people noticed Jen didn’t really care anymore. So now, people often smiled at me now. It was weird as to a week ago, they would give me their disgusted looks. And the girl groups still gave me their hateful looks. I had no idea why though.

I had friends to acknowledge now. Reese and Nicolette were my friends. They were the first friends I had in four years!

Reese and Nicolette still haven’t met the famous Jen Callister. You would hardly see him anyways. The only time he’s out and about is to go find girls. I’m sure every girl in this school except for me and Nicolette had a piece of him already. It was disgusting. No one could compare my hatred to that guy. Reese didn’t want to see him as his classmate, since Jen was a senior too. Yeah. Jen was the 8th grader while I was the loser 7th grader.

Reese has been talking to me more often. I feel as though I can tell anything to him. I’m sure of it. Nicolette tells him everything. He knows things about me that I don’t even notice about myself. Nicolette told me that he talks about me a lot. I don’t believe it because I believe Nicolette brings me up a lot since they don’t have that many other friends either.

Nicolette had became popular with the boys. Reese wasn’t amused by it. From what he told me, he was used to it. It was the same as their other school. Everyone was captivated under Nicolette’s spell. Reese was as popular with the girls too. He was now, as rumor had it, the next basketball captain. I envied both of them. People had noticed them, even with me at their side.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I had adjust to being with them. I wanted to bring it to the next level where they would come to my house and be with me. My house was so empty I could hear my breathing sometimes. Aunt and Uncle have been on dates every night. They don’t care about what I do since they heard I have friends now.

“Park, there was this song I heard on Pandora one day. It was so beautiful. I want to hear it again.” Nicolette smiled dreamily.

“What was the song?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know the language. It was beautiful though. I want to hear it again.” Nicolette said.

“It was Mandarin, you idiot.” Reese said, looking up from his food.

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