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First Day

"WHEN ARE YOU going to tell me about my memories?" Those words were out of my mouth within seconds, making me sit up straighter as I stared inquisitively at Dimitri. "Go on. This is the part where you explain the reason why you're keeping everything from me and that it's 'for my own good'."

"What do you want me to say?" Dimitri asked, landing gracefully on the armchair he had taken just before he left the room. "I already said that it was for your own good."

"I'm still dead." Burying my face into my palms, I sighed as the pain in my head throbbed. "I'm still stone cold and dead and underground in the pits of Hell itself."

"To be fair, you've been underground for quite some time now." There was a crunch and I raised my head just in time to see Dimitri bite into an apple. "We just have to find a way to revive you."

"And how do you expect to do that?" Throwing my arms up, I stormed from the bed and towards the giant windows. Though the beautifully ethereal moonlight streamed in and cast the room aglow, I felt indifferent. The light did not touch me the way it had when I was still alive.

"There is a book hidden in the depths of Hell. A book that Lucifer wrote during his youth. We simply have to find the book and use its contents to bring you back to life. Even back then, Lucifer had always messed with the ways of life. There must be something inside that can help us before the five days are up."

"There is no us in this situation, Dimitri. You're not dead. I am." I had not even noticed that his figure had moved closer. Our faces were mere inches away from each other. For a second, I thought his beautiful silver eyes had glanced over to my lips but that movement was gone in a flash.

"I was never alive, Addison. I never got the privilege to know what it feels like to be truly alive and mortal."

Silence engulfed the both of us, my own gaze locked with his even as the seconds bled on. It had barely even occurred to me that the first of my five days were slowly draining away. Yet, I was entranced by the power in which Dimitri held over me unknowingly. It kept me captive, holding my very soul into place as the world bled me freely from my own will.

It was only when Dimitri had spoken again had I snapped out of it, blinking my eyes rapidly.

"We have to go talk to the others. Calvin will know more about the book than I. It is best if we gather help since time is slipping through our fingers."

"Of course," I breathed.

A memory of Fabian flashed into my mind, one in which I was so sure was not truly mine at all. He looked so different, dressed in clothing in which I was not used to seeing him in. My head started to throb, causing my vision to blur for a second before returning. In the memory, Fabian smiled so brightly that the sun seemed so very dull as if the moon was looming over it. His features were softer, so much kinder and forgiving than the Fabian in which I was used to.

"Addison, are you alright?" Dimitri asked. His hands were latched onto my elbows, holding me up before my knees could buckle and send me sprawling to the ground.

"I'm fine," I said, hand still grasping on my head as the pain slowly faded away along with the memory. "I need to apologize to Fabian. I should not have said such things to him."

Dimitri looked doubtful. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, wrinkles appearing on his forehead though he nodded just once. "I'll send word. We'll meet my brothers there. Do you need Minnie to be there as well?"

I could barely even make out a nod before I lost feeling in my legs, almost slamming to the ground had it not been for Dimitri's support. My knees were wobbling, numb and completely unfeeling as I hit at them, desperate to regain control of my muscles.

Courting Death | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now