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Welcoming Party

"WHAT THE HELL," Calvin took in a breath through his teeth, his eyes wide and filled with astonishment. "It's been here all along?"

In the grave, Ida laid with all the world's serenity. Her eyelids were closed, lips slightly parted even though no breath came out. Her heart had long stopped, spirit long left and yet she was still a rotting beauty that lay untouched by the horrors of time. Through the many years, Fabian had managed to preserve the love of his life in the Heart of Hell where the magic was strongest. No matter how much of a dick he was, there was one thing for sure. Fabian's love for Ida definitely withstood the brunt of time.

"I can't believe that Ida's body is still so..." Wilhelm murmured under his breath, trailing off.

"Perfect." Calvin finished for him. He let out a low whistle under his breath, arms folded across his chest. "Lover boy's got dedication, that's for sure. This was smart thinking on his part."

Dimitri remained quiet, silently reaching for the book that Ida held in her arms. Gently, he retrieved the leather-bound journal before blowing the layer of dust that had collected on the book cover. The dust flew into the air in a puff of gray-brown smoke, causing me to cough a little as I swatted at the air to try and get the dust away from my face.

Without even turning back, Dimitri passed the book over to me as I eagerly took the book into my hands. The weight of the book felt heavy in my hands for it held the secrets of regaining life. Or at least, the more secure way which would not end up with me disintegrating. The king of Hell walked over to the other side of the grave, grabbing the stone lid by its edges before hoisting it back into place. With a slam, Ida's corpse disappeared from sight, laid back to rest now that we had the book in our hands.

"We've got the book. Let's get back to the castle." Dimitri wore a frown on his features, eyebrows set sternly down and his pink lips shaped into a borderline scowl. The corners of my own lips turned down at Dimitri's expression, wondering what is it that had gone wrong with him to cause such a negative reaction.

"Let's journey back." Calvin agreed, turning back to the way we had come from without even a backward glance. Wilhelm trailed after the dark skinned man, walking off too without another word.

"Dimitri, what's wrong?" I asked, scurrying a little to catch up with Dimitri and his long strides. There was a little wrinkle in between his eyebrows, usually bright silvery eyes harboring dark emotions that swirled like a storm. He pursed his lips, acting as though he had a secret he desperately wanted to spill but was unable to. At long last, he sighed, features softening.

"Nothing is wrong, Addison. I'm just thinking."

"That is what everyone says when there is something serious on their mind that is bugging them." I frowned. "So tell me what are you thinking about."

"It's just..." Dimitri sighed heavily, shoulders slumping. "I feel as though I had wronged Fabian. My brother loved Ida, Addison. She was his entire life and soul before she had died. At her deathbed, he pleaded me to save her but I was unwilling to help him because I wasn't sure what would happen to her and the fate of Hell if I had failed. Seeing Ida's corpse just reminded me of the betrayal in which I had shown them both."

"Dimitri, that was hundreds of years ago. You can't possibly still blame yourself for that." I rested a hand on Dimitri's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"That's the thing about immortality, Andy. Once you are immortal, you live forever. While the concept of time never having the power to affect you sounds very much ideal, you will still have to deal with certain consequences. One of which is bearing all the pain and guilt from even hundreds and thousands of years prior to the present."

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