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Riddle Boy

THE EVOLUTION OF the scenery around us was beautiful. Colors melted into one another, displaying a rainbow of visuals before the scene before us finally reoriented back to the front doors of the large castle where the four brothers, and now Minnie and I, reside.

Fabian dropped his hold on Dimitri and Minnie's hands as if they were hot rocks, quickly stepping away from them and towards the door. We all watched as he pushed the large doors open, storming inside without another word.

"What is up with him?" I asked with a slight snort, shaking my head in disbelief. "I think the only thing that is truly temperamental is Fabian himself."

"Preach it, sister." With both her hands in the air, Minnie laughed.

Shaking his head, Dimitri tried hard to smother his own laughter before rolling his eyes with false sternness. "Come on. Time is an enemy and it is also something that is very hard to catch up with."

"Calm down there, Mr. Uptight." Following after Dimitri's increasing footsteps, I hurried along the steps as the three of us curved hallways after another. "What happened to the fun version of you?"

He did not stop walking, simply glancing back for a few seconds with a mysterious glint in his eyes. A smile appeared on his face -- though it was more of a smirk -- before he turned back to face where he was headed to.

"People change, Andy. Besides, I've learned that nothing is ever constant when you are around."

Not knowing whether I should take that as a compliment or an insult, I simply shrugged. "At least I can easily say that I keep things interesting at all times."

When we had finally arrived at whichever room Dimitri had decided to head to, the other brothers were already present and seated, each with a frown on their features. It was then had I noticed that the room was the first room in which I had been in when I first arrived in the castle. It looked slightly different than how I remembered to be, but it still functioned as what it should, a fancy over-extravagant sitting room.

"You sure took your time," Fabian grumbled under his breath, hands holding up a glass of golden whiskey before he chugged it down as if it were nothing more than smooth ice water. "Not that you have an eternity of it."

"Fabian, do not start this again." Calvin placed two of his fingers and rested them on his temple, rubbing his head as he groaned with annoyance. "We do not need this."

Snapping his mouth shut, Fabian leaned back into his seat, the frown not quite leaving his features nevertheless. He placed the now empty glass onto the coffee table, slouching in his seat as boredom radiated off of him.

Seeing that Fabian was now more subdued than not, Calvin turned his attention over to us, sitting up just a little straighter. "Minerva, why don't you go and take a walk around the castle grounds instead? I'm sure that today was already rather eventful. We don't want to tire you out, now, do we?"

I knew that tactic way too well. Calvin was trying to push Minnie away, place her somewhere else so that she would not be included in our discussion. A feeling of indignant overwhelmed me, my eyebrows furrowed as my lips parted, ready to speak in her defense. I was not about to allow my best friend, another useful mind that could help us with the problem at hand, be pushed away and cast aside as if she was not worthy enough to be entrusted a vital piece of information.

Before I could even place in a word, however, Minnie placed a single hand on my shoulder, shaking her head lightly.

"It's okay, Addison. I know when I am not wanted here," she whispered softly under her breath, ensuring that only I could hear her. Though how effective that was, I do not know for the four brothers surely had heightened abilities that came along with their magical abilities. "I'll be in my room if you need me. We did wake up rather early this morning and I am already feeling pretty worn out. I'll see you guys later."

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