T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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T W E N T Y - E I G H T
Inner Demons & Stairways

EVEN THOUGH THE concoction that Dimitri and Minnie had brewed smelt like a little bit of heaven, it tasted absolutely vile. It was a little chunky, bits of mysterious solids swirling in the thick liquid and I struggled to swallow it without gagging. It tasted as though I had shoved a bar of soap in my mouth, followed by a dash of soil and maybe even a few pebbles for the crunch. I shivered, wincing at the taste and sensation.

"Oh my gosh, what is in that thing? It tastes horrible!" Setting the flask down onto the ground, I wiped the remnants of the liquid away from my lips were it had spilled a little.

"Like I said, it's better you don't know." Minnie shrugged. "Let's just say that I would never in a million years drink that. I would rather have my eyes gouged out."

"Is it really that bad?" Dimitri asked, frowning. I had almost wanted to take back my words with how hurt he looked. "It smelt amazing though."

"Not everything is as it seems," I pointed out. "And this is just another perfect example of that theory."

"Well, that's done and over with so let's move on." Fabian got up to his feet, his eyes darting over to the sleek black watch that rested on his pale wrist. "And just in time. The fourth sunset is upon us. We will be able to see if the potion worked."

"It better," Minnie muttered under her breath. I don't think that she had actually meant for it to be said out loud since she wasn't exactly expecting a reply. Her eyes were downcast, thumbs fiddling with each other. "We don't have time to waste any longer."

Dimitri tightened his fingers around mine, clenching my hands so tightly that he must have thought I would disappear if he had let go. I could only return the action, gritting my teeth tightly together to stop them from chattering uncontrollably.

"It's time."

I had not even registered the words properly in my mind for I felt it before I heard Fabian speak. The pain was immediate. This time, it was a searing pain that crackled through my skull, the feeling as though someone had plunged a heated knife into my brain. I could feel the thoughts of my past lives desperately trying to brim to the surface and I had no doubt that Lola was at the very top of that list.

"God, it hurts!" I whined, my hands immediately leaving Dimitri's to clutch my hand. "Make it stop!"

"What's happening?" I could hear Minnie ask in the background and it took no time before I felt her presence right beside me, holding my shoulders as her way of offering comfort.

"This is actually her last sunset since the next would be a death that is immediate and painless, and hence this would hurt the most. Besides, the potion is working to keep her past lives in." The voice was frantic, yelling over my screams of pain. I could not even tell if it was Dimitri or Fabian speaker but I had a strong inkling that it was the former.

I felt a hand being pressed to my mouth, effectively muffling my screams. "Quiet down! You will garner the attention of the angels at this rate. Heaven isn't too far from here."

No doubt that was Fabian. It was true, what he said. I could hear the thundering of the waterfalls somewhere in the background. That was the last thing I could be bothered with though. The pain had begun to spread, leading to my limbs. They oscillated between two vastly different points; a burning ache that felt to originate from deep within the smallest crevices of my bones and a numb that disabled me from feeling anything.

As swiftly as it came, thankfully, the pain was gone within a minute. I was left a quivering mess, collapsing into Dimitri's ready arms as my forehead broke out in cold sweat. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself as my body quaked from the aftermath. The pain was definitely more physical than the psychological of the past sunsets and it lasted for a much shorter amount of time.

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