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Apparently, Wattpad deleted the contents of this chapter after it was originally uploaded and I did not notice until a kind user had informed me. So sorry to trouble/confuse you guys with an empty chapter.

Hope you enjoy.

xx aurora


Kisses From Death

IT WAS JUST as difficult as one could imagine how breaking into Heaven would be like-especially one that was filled with corrupted angels that wished to wage war and create chaos. There were guards patrolling the area, their long feathery wings dragging on the ground behind them with each step they took. Armed with sharp spears of swords, I could only thank our luck that Heaven was filled with a cloud-like mist that ended just below our knees. When we ducked low enough, we would be covered by it and could remain slightly incognito.

The next batch of angelic soldiers marched on by, completely oblivious to the fact that there were four enemy personnel tucked away in a bush that covered them from plain view. I watched with my breath clogged in my throat as they turned a corner and disappeared behind a large hut.

"Where to now?" I turned to ask Fabian, whose eyes were squinted and narrowed due to the stinging mist. He straightened up his posture a little, peering outside out hideout.

"A right turn after that hut right there. That should be Lucifer's old office if I remember correctly." He pointed to a white-colored little cottage that was surrounded by bright red peonies.

"Are you sure he is still using the same office as before?" Minnie asked, wrinkling her nose. "It's been a few thousand years since he last set foot in Heaven. What are the odds that he would pick the same dusty enclosure?"

"Lucifer is a sucker for his little mementos. He had a lot of weird collectibles hidden away in his office and I bet he is planning to use them to his advantage. He would not let them out of his sight." Fabian answered with a deadpan before waving, beckoning us to follow him. "Quickly. We should be clear for the next few minutes, judging by their shift patterns."

Without another moment's worth of hesitation, Fabian sprinted over to the hut he had just pointed out, his body darting through the area like a bullet in the dark. He easily got to the other side in a matter of seconds, darting to a squat before assessing his surroundings. Once he deemed the situation clear, he waved at us again to signal us to come over.

I gritted my teeth in determination before sprinting out of our hiding spot, rushing over to where Fabian was with both Dimitri and Minnie right behind me. Since Fabian was at the front leading the way, Dimitri offered to walk last so as to stand on guard in case someone decided to attack us from behind. That arrangement alone made me a little less jumpy. Just a little.

"Shit," Dimitri muttered under his breath. His bright silver eyes darted about, trained on something where we were just at. When I followed his line of gaze, I couldn't help but curse a little myself.

Two other angels had appeared, this time different ones than the one that had just walked past. They stood where we were just hiding at, poking about the bush with raised voices. Needless to say, our presence had just been revealed since the two angels were starting to gather some attention.

"Fabian, bring Addison and Minnie safely over and I swear to God-"

"Relax, brother. I know what I am doing. Take care of yourself." Fabian smoothly cut Dimitri's words short, a silent understanding passed between the two of them as I fidgeted in my spot. I watched as Dimitri removed the brown sling bag that he wore across his shoulders, placing it gently into my hands wordlessly. I could feel the outlines of the golden chalice which made me purse my lips.

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