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HORROR BLED THROUGH my body, my hands immediately reaching up to cup my mouth as Dimitri wrapped his arms protectively around me. His hands were immediately running through my hair, pulling me close against his chest as he whispered to me, occasionally pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"It's alright," he said in a tone so soft and so delicate that it did not sound like something Death would say. "You're okay. She's gone."

I was still stunned into the state of shock, my eyes wide open and lingering on Fabian even though every single reasonable nerve in my mind told me to look away. Fabian stared back, with hurt as the first emotion that flashed through his eyes. Then came longing before it too was replaced by the same indifferent facade in which he had mastered over his many years alive.

"That felt horrible, Dimitri." Sobbing into his chest, I could barely even control my emotions as a wave of fear and sadness overwhelmed me. I knew that this was but a small issue and that I should not be so easily upset, yet my body was functioning on a different plane as of my mind. "I couldn't control my own limbs and was used as a human puppet."

All through that, Dimitri cooed by my ear, lightly combing my hair as he whispered comforting words into my ear. When we finally sat back down and I had stopped crying, I felt Minnie's arms immediately wrap themselves around me, pulling me into her own familiar and soothing embrace. She did not speak, simply just there to support me and I too kept quiet as both Dimitri and Fabian returned to their own seats.

"Fabian, this is enough reason that Addison needs to be saved," Calvin spoke first, his wisdom and ability to see above all heading his mind.

"For the good of everyone, I agree with Calvin. It is time to put aside your petty rivalry and settle things for the greater good of the world. Do not forget, the very existence of everything we know of depends on Addison's revival." Sitting up a little straighter, Wilhelm's ember eyes darted back and forth between Fabian and me, assessing to see who would speak first.

"Very well," Fabian finally conceded. "For the greater good."

With all four brothers on the same wavelength, Dimitri immediately started to explain his plan. "There is a book written many many eons ago by Lucifer himself. It is a book that contains spells and magic, power beyond imagination. To our knowledge, the book can only be used and referred to within the confinements of Hell and that's why Lucius had always been finding different ways to take us down. The book is of no use to him so we do not have any worries about that."

"What you are suggesting is a very ancient magic. It is buried deep within Hell before our own rise to the throne. Only Lucifer knows where the book is. Are you sure?" Fabian was on his feet, his eyebrows furrowed as he took a worrying step towards Dimitri. "You're willing to take a bet? Ask a favor from the devil himself just to get a possible shot at finding a solution that might not even exist?"

"Don't forget, this magic we speak of counters my own abilities. Hence I know it exists. It all depends on if Lucifer is willing to cooperate." Dimitri's arms were folded across his chest, glaring hard at Fabian. Tension radiated off from the two boys, enough to fill the room with thick awkwardness before Wilhelm cleared his throat.

"If I may, I do think that searching for the book will be our best option." Slowly, the two boys turned to face their red-headed brother. "It is the only lead we have so far. If you wish, the both of you can accompany Addison to Lucifer's cell tomorrow when dawn breaks. You'll need a good night's rest since if the journey is to be forged, you need all the energy you can get. Calvin and I will stay here in the castle. Protect its grounds in case Lucius returns and to search for other possible ways to aid you."

Courting Death | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now