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Third Day

"WE HAVE TO start moving if we want to get there before the end of the third day. Addison does not have much time left to spare."

An hour after I had finally awoken from my 'slumber', Wilhelm had finally deemed me ready enough to return to traveling. Currently, he held out a mug of warm milk, gently passing it over to me as I took the cup gratefully. I took a whiff of the liquid, lightly blowing on the surface just to make sure that I would not accidentally burn my tongue when I take a sip.

"You are just as insane as that past life of hers if you think I'm going to let her go in this state." Dimitri flared up, eyebrows crinkled as he folded his arms stubbornly across his chest.

"Hey!" I shouted out in protest, seeing how insulting Lola indirectly meant insulting me, but the brothers took no heed.

"Wilhelm is right, Dimitri. If Addison is to complete this quest in time, she needs to set out now to find the golden chalice. We do not have much time left to spare on such dilly dally." Calvin frowned. "You will just have to trust that Fabian and I will take good care of her."

"Rest assured, brother, Addison will not be harmed under our care." From his place on the cushioned chair, Fabian slowly sat up, resting his elbows on his knees. "She will be fine."

"But-" Dimitri tried to protest but was swiftly cut off when Wilhelm shot him a glare. With a long defeated sigh, he walked back towards me, perching himself on the edge of my bed before taking my hands in his own cold ones. Though I could not feel the varying temperature, I could still feel goosebumps rising on my skin when we touched.

"We will leave you two alone." Minnie smiled, making her way in between the spirits of war and conquest before slipping her arm in to loop with theirs. "Come on, boys."

The two immortals barely even made a single sound of protest as they got dragged out, with Calvin throwing us one last look before he disappeared through the door. As they left, Fabian got to his feet, dusting whatever imaginary dirt off of his pristine suit before he walked towards the door as well. With one hand on the handle, he was just about ready to shut the door behind him on the way out before he turned to look at us.

"Addison, be ready in fifteen minutes. Calvin and I will be in the sitting room," he said.

I barely even made out a nod before he turned away, slamming the door shut behind him. His actions reminded me greatly of our first encounter and the way he had acted back then was still a picture perfect reflection of the way he acted now. Some things never change.

When I turned back to face Dimitri, I could tell that though his body was here with me, his mind was obviously not. He seemed to be existing in another realm so very far away, his fingers mindlessly drawing random shapes into the palm of my hand as I smiled without even trying to. Gently, I placed the now empty cup onto the bedside table before carefully examining Dimitri.

"What is it?"

"Huh?" He asked, finally looking up to meet me in the eye.

"What is it that is on your mind, Dimitri? You looked as though you were in an entirely different world." I clarified, shifting my body so that I could see him better without having to crane my neck all the way.

"Honestly, I don't want you to go. It's not safe. Besides, there is absolutely no need for you to go and risk your... life for this goblet. Calvin and Fabian will be able to manage it themselves perfectly well."

"I understand that you are worried for me, Dee, but I can't just let Fabian and Calvin risk their own lives for me. The church is a holy ground and that could mean that there are angels there. They will need all the help that they can get if their powers were muted. Also, finding the goblet it to save my life. How selfish and irresponsible I would be to try and wiggle my way out of this situation like that and push the responsibility to someone else."

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