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Take Me To Church

Though the methods of reincarnation had not been proven to be effective, rigorous testings upon subjects had deduced that there is a high chance of success. Practitioners must be mindful of the type of blood and water used in the golden chalice to ensure that there are no disastrous outcomes. The blood of an angel of light must be fresh, kept in liquid form until consumption.

However, one should be mindful when performing this ritual. The mixture must not touch the lips of any living being, no matter their origin or bloodline. When consumed by those alive, the immediate effects of death will be upon them. Proceed with utmost caution.

"Well, that was an interesting read," Calvin commented with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow that almost touched his hairline. "So the potion that could revive Addison would also be the one to kill us if we accidentally drink it."

"At least the devil was thoughtful enough to write a disclaimer in the book." Snapping the book shut, Wilhelm allowed the object to land on the coffee table with a soft thud, my eyes trailing after the leather-bound journal, heart caught in my throat.

"I never thought I would hear that in the same sentence." Fabian scoffed.

"The ingredients of the mixture are not easy to obtain, Dimitri." Wilhelm was frowning, his red eyes shining with clear disappointment and worry. "A golden chalice of sacred ground? That alone is a mystery as to what it is. There are tons of sacred grounds in the world and Lucifer could've meant any one of them."

"Oh don't be silly, Wilhelm. If Lucifer had been detailed enough to mention the items required, surely he must also have written down what golden chalice he was talking about?" I piped up, walking over towards the book.Taking it into my hands, I tested the weight of the journal before flipping it open, skimming through the yellowing pages as I scouted for anything that could relate to the golden chalice that Lucifer wrote about.

As I furiously scanned through the contents of each page, I could feel my heart getting heavier and heavier with each passing second in which I could not find what I was looking for. So far, there was nothing written in the book about a golden chalice, or even just a simple cup. Most of the contents of the book contained recipes for potions and spells for what seemed like unnatural dark magic. Dejected, I began to slow down as I neared the end of the book, my hands starting to get clammy with nervousness.

"Did you find anything?" Calvin asked, sitting at the edge of his seat as he leaned in closer towards me though that act helped him not one bit since we were quite a distance away.

The beginnings of a sigh were already on the tip of my tongue, my chest pain with sorrow and regret when a flash of an illustration in black ink caught my attention. Gently flipping over to that page, heart in my throat, a smile began to curve my lips as my fingers trailed after the handwritten title.

"The Golden Chalice of Sepulchre," I whispered under my breath, placing the book onto the coffee table in the middle of the sitting room before gesturing the boys over. When I realized that none of the boys had budged from their seats, my eyebrows began to furrow. "Come on, I found it."

"Take a seat, princess. Will's got it." Dimitri laughed, patting the spot beside him as Wilhelm waved a single hand in the air.

As I retreated to Dimitri's side, I watched in awe and amazement as the book began to fly into the air once more, gliding in thin air before halting, its pages wide open. One by one, the letters began to tear themselves right off the yellow parchment, hovering high above the book as they began to form the words so that we could all see the writing clearly.

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