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Luck In Life

WHEN THE WORLD regained its glorious colors instead of the black and white mist, I felt as though my entire axis had just been tilted in the wrong format. The ground seemed shaky, trembling beneath my feet as I landed onto the ground on all fours with aching palms and burning knees. I was well aware that both Calvin and Fabian still stood tall behind me, grounded properly and securely that such a great magical move had not affected them one bit.

"There there, golden girl." Calvin gently patted my shoulder, arms reaching around to grasp me by the upper arm, hauling me to my feet. "You'll get used to it after some time."

"She's been teleported plenty of times and with each time, it only seemed to get worse for her," Fabian idly commented with a scoff.

"What can I say?" I giggled nervously, pressing down hard on a gag reflex due to my unsettled stomach. "I am not cut out for all this magic stuff. Makes me weak."

"Well, you'll have to deal with it a little longer. Magic is never far from us and it seems like you're stuck in Hell for a much longer time than you would've originally thought." Laughing, Calvin threw his head back slightly, arms reaching down to clutch his stomach. In perfect synchronization, Fabian and I rolled our eyes at his antics.

"How hilarious you are, dear brother." Patting Calvin on the shoulder without much sincerity in his words, Fabian began his way forward.

Before us was an entirely different scene as to what I was used to. In fact, we were underground in a dimly lit sewage system, a stream of water rushing right by our feet as it led off into the dark. There were a few torches that provided just enough light for us to see but the entire place still made me shiver. It greatly resembled the appearance of the tunnels that led to the Heart of Hell and when I recalled back to the events that had happened down there, I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip in dread.

"It sure looks like there hasn't been anyone here in centuries," Fabian commented, swiping his finger against the wall only to withdraw in disgust. "It's filthy here."

"It's the inside structure of a drain. What did you honestly expect?" I deadpanned. "Come on, after you kind sir."

Not appreciating my snarky comment, Fabian threw me a deadly glare before scowling, turning to walk down into the dark. Every time he walked away from the torches, he seemed to be able to blend in nearly perfectly well with the eerie darkness in which was a result of the lack of light. I turned to Calvin who was still standing beside me, beginning to follow after Fabian in his steps.

"It is so dark in here. Why doesn't he just use his tattoos to get a little light?"

Calvin shook his head. "Fabian's personification is black in color. If he used it, the light still wouldn't be of much use as ours. Besides, ever since her death, Fabian had been the most emotionally unstable one out of us four. If he used his tattoos, he might accidentally starve the people near us to death."

I remained silent at Calvin's revelation, simply walking beside him without words exchanged between the both of us. Fate had been all too cruel to Fabian, taking away the love of his life as well as the chance for him to be happy. Sadly, there was nothing in which I could do to bring Ida back to be with Fabian. If she was one of my past lives, to let her live would be to have me die. As selfish as it was, I just couldn't picture myself doing that to both Dimitri and myself.

With my mind so far off into my own thoughts, I hadn't even noticed that Calvin was already a few steps ahead of me. The path before us was becoming more and more narrow, trimming down so much that if we were to continue on our journey, we had to continue in single file. Judging by how we were now, there definitely was not a single problem with that.

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