Chapter 3: A New Perspective

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Sarah's POV

I took off my mask, "looked" up to Bendu, and said, "What must I do?" I heard the spiders all around me. I was a little nervous to do it, but Kanan needed me. The Rebellion needed me.

"You must be empty." Bendu said. "Now turn around," I turned behind me, "and walk forward."

"I'm not do sure this is such a good idea." I said. I mean, I was being led by someone that studied both ways of the Force, like Maul.

I started walking. "Why do you think that?" Bendu asked.

I sighed. I want gonna tell him that I thought he was a Sith. But, he might kill Kanan. So, I said, and it was the truth, "Because those spiders are out there, waiting."

"How do you know?"

I sighed. "I hear them."

"Good. You are using other methods to see. Are they close?"

I stopped and tried to sense where they were. I answered, "No."

"Keep walking. Sound relates them to you. How else?"

"I can feel the vibrations in the ground... as they move."

"You are perceptive. How else can you relate to the spiders?"

I was getting tired of his questions, but I knew he was trying to help... I think. "When I was in the caves... before Malacore, a foul smell. It was old... decayed."

"Hmm. An interesting description. Now, picture them." I stopped walking and pictures the spiders... Even though I didn't truly want to see them again. "Tell me, are they close?"

I tried to sense them again. "No."

"Are you certain?" Bendu countered.

I was shocked. Was I sensing something else other than the spiders? Were they right there, waiting to kill me?

I reached out my hand.

I felt the spider.

Ezra's POV

I took out four stormtroopers that were guarding the Imperial ship. Hondo climbed up the ladder behind me. He ran to the ship and said, "Ezra! I will stay here and guard the ship... in case we need a quick escape!"

I trusted Hondo enough to let him. "Yeah," I responded, "you do that!" I left and ran into the control center.

There was a lock on the door, so I just used the Force to plug in the correct numbers. The door opened and I was met with five Imperials: two were guards, two were lieutenants, and one was the captain. I deflected the guards' shots back to them. The lieutenants ran away.

All that was left was the captain. I pointed my lightsaber at his throat. "I'm asking nicely. End the destruction of those ships now."

"Sorry," the captain responded, "but it is locked. The only way to stop it is to take out the main generator of this entire facility."

I turned to the generator. "Okay." I didn't care. All I needed was those ships.

"Wait! If you do that, you'll bring this entire facility crashing down. You should risk the lives of your friends for a few dusty, old ships?"

I turned back to him. "I believe in my friends. They'll be fine." Without even looking, I destroyed the generator. "You, not so much. You better get moving." He ran off; I laughed. Coward.

I took my com and signaled Sabine. "The locks are gone. Take the ships and get them back to the fleet."

"What about you?" Sabine signaled back.

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