Chapter 10: Understanding (Short Part 2)

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Kanan's POV

Man, Zeb is really worried about Sarah's Dark Side. But, I don't blame him, though; it is a scary thought of Sarah losing her mind and the strongest Jedi from Order 66 going to the Dark Side.

He walked into the dining area where I was sitting drinking some blue milk. "Hey, Kanan."

I sighed. "It's been five minutes since you saw me last. You don't have to act like we haven't seen each other for a day. What do you need?"

This time, he leaned against the wall while I stayed sitting. "You never told me why Sarah had such a bad reaction to the Dark Side. Do you not know?"

"No, I know, but it is a little bit hard to explain."

"Well, what is it?"

I was a little surprised that he was so eager to find out.

I began.

"Well, nobody really knows if Sarah was born with these powers or not. Some say that her master, Luminara Lumari, gave her those powers. That might be a question for Sarah."

Zeb looked a little confused, so I paused to let his brain catch up. Then, I continued.

"Nobody knows where her Dark Side came from, either, but it did come from her unique powers. With every great power, comes an opponent equally as strong. That opponent was... well, it was pretty much herself."

"Wow... so, she was born... or given... the very powerful Dark Side since the beginning?" Zeb asked. I think he was starting to understand now.

"Yes," I responded, "but since it was equally strong, it was pretty easy for it to control her."

"So she's not acting under her own free will? She's being... mind-controlled?"

I thought about it. "More like... possessed. She can try to fight it, but, at some point, she might... not be able to."

Zeb looked up to think. He looked back down and asked, "Is the Dark Side part of her, or something completely separate?"

That was definitely a tough one. But, at least prior knowledge comes into play.

"It is a separate source of power. Usually, it grows in a person as they turn to the Dark Side. But, for Sarah, it is completely separate. It's as if there were another being inside of her."

"Wait," Zeb interrupted, "how do you know all this?"

"Actually," I said, "It was one of Hera's and my first missions. Rescue a prisoner and bring her to Lothal. Turns out it was Sarah. She was taken about four years ago and stayed there for about a month before escaping.

"Of course, we didn't know that. So, we took the information from her cell and left."

"So that's how you knew her!" Zeb exclaimed. I smiled and nodded. But, he looked confused again. "Can't you take out that separate Dark Side from her? That would cure her, right?"

I shook my head. "If all of that good power were able to move freely on its own, it would destroy her completely. It needs that stability of the Dark Side to keep her alive."

Zeb seemed disappointed, but I said, "Don't worry. We are all trying to figure out how to help Sarah control it. But, right now," I looked up at the clock in my room, "I need to train with her and Ezra. I'll talk to you later, Zeb."

I sat up and left the room, feeling a little bit better with that off of my chest.

Ezra's POV

We walked out of Sarah's room, her and me, laughing about some other embarrassing things Kanan has done.

We went to dead silence when Kanan came up to us. I could tell Sarah was suppressing a giggle or two. So was I. "It's time for some more training, you two. Meet me on the landing platform of the Ghost in five minutes."

We both nodded. As soon as he turned away, we started to laugh again. Kanan whipped back around. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing!" We said at the same time.

We smiled at each other and went to the platform for our training.

Sorry, guys. I will have to post the next one next Tuesday because I have to go camping. It will be longer next time.


YAY!!! I'm out of my depressing zone! The rest will be lighter, but, of course, I will refer to things that happened in those chapters throughout the book. Otherwise, those chapters would have been for nothing but spitting out my feelings.


~ MarvelRebel27

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