Chapter 8: The Reveal

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Warning!!!!    This chapter will get very sorrowful and deep. Some heavy stuff will be covered in this. I don't know how heavy because it all depends on what people are used to.

Anyways, I just didn't want to be liable for people's feelings. Read at your own risk.

A week later............

Ezra's POV

We were on a mission to find an old rebellion clan when we ran into Saw Gerrera. He was in the caves with me, Chopper, Kanan, and Rex.

He came along with us back to the Ghost. Saw was in a particularly bad mood because he couldn't search through Klick-Klack's possessions for any Imperial artifacts or weapons.

We all went into the common room. Sarah was sitting in the booth with Zeb, playing Sabacc, and losing. She still had a smile on her face, though. Hera was next to them with Chopper fixing him up, and Sabine was creating a new piece of art on the wall. When Hera saw us, she took Kanan outside of the room to talk.

When the rest of the crew noticed Saw, they stood up and came closer. Saw noticed Sarah and glared at her. "What is she doing here?" he demanded with a snarl.

I put my hand out in between the two of them. "She's with us. Now, can we just get back to taking Klick-Klack to Chopper Base?" Saw glared at Sarah a little more before turning to Klick-Klack.

"What do you want with that stupid egg?"

Klick-Klack stepped back from Saw. I wouldn't blame him, after what Saw tried to do to him.

But, it seemed like Saw was going to force his way, nobody else's. He used some gadget on his left arm and pressed a clear button. It shocked Klick-Klack in the neck.

I was taken aback. Why would he want to hurt him?! "Leave him alone!"

I charged at him. He easily shoved me off towards the door. Luckily, Kanan opened  the door just in time to catch my flailing body from hitting the metal ground. I shook my head to regain my thoughts and told Saw, "Hey! You can't take him."

He persisted on abusing Klick-Klack. He kept shocking him longer and longer  each time. I saw from the corner of my eye Sarah trying to get to him, but Rex kept her in place. I still tried to convince Saw to stop. "You're hurting him!"

Hera finally stepped in. "Gerrera, what are you doing?!"

He slowly turned to us. "I'm taking him... and your shuttle."

Sabine spoke up, "You're not taking the Phantom anywhere!"

"Saw," Kanan ordered, "we had a deal. We would question him at Chopper Base."

"Your methods are soft, Jedi." Saw scowled. "We lost the last war because of people like you. I won't lose this one!"

Saw shocked Klick-Klack again.

I completely lost it. I charged at Saw again, this time, with twice the power. He still threw me off, making me hit a closed door.

"Ezra!" Sarah said.

Klick-Klack dropped the egg, which Saw picked up and pointed his gun at. He turned to Sarah. "So now  you care for people?! After everything  you've done, after nine years of hiding like a coward, you finally show care for someone? Huh. Never saw that coming."

Sarah just stayed still, her mask covering up any emotion she might have shown.

Saw now had his gun right up against the outer layer of the egg. I tried one last time to convince him. "If you destroy that egg, you're just helping the Empire destroy the last of his kind... the last of his family."

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