Chapter 12: Race

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Ezra's POV

"Wait, so, you can take other people's Force?" I asked. Sarah had just explained what had happened to me.

"Not your Force, your Force connection." Sarah responded. "The actual Force is all around us, but the Jedi and the Sith have a better connection with it, allowing them to control the Force. I was able to take away that connection, making it weaker."

That made sense, but... "How do you do it?"

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. "Accidentally, I guess. It triggers out of fear. It acts like a... safe guard, I suppose."

There was a knock on the door frame, and the doctor came in. "Ezra, we have to just check to see if you are up to full strength. If so, you will be free to go."

"Thank you," I responded. I turned back to Sarah and said, "Wish me luck."

Sarah laughed lightly. "You don't need luck."

We smiled, and Sarah left.

Kanan's POV

I am sure Ezra's going to be fine. He's strong, and he looks so much better from before.

I went out to find Hera talking to Fulcrum. I still can't believe Kallus is Fulcrum.

Kallus was giving a new mission plan to Hera. Hera responded, "We'll get right on it."

The hologram closed. I walked up to her. "Hey, Hera."

She looked up and blushes at me. "Hey, Kanan."

I blush, too. I really like her.

But, I can't love her... sadly.

"What did Agent Kal- I mean, Fulcrum, need?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Well, Fulcrum had a mission for us coming from Lothal. There are some crates of supplies that could be useful to us."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

I turned around, but Hera grabbed my forearm. She said, "Kanan, I... I think there is a problem."

"What do you mean?"

"When Fulcrum was talking, he sounded rushed. Plus, it has been harder for him to relay information to us. I think... I think that the Empire is catching on to what Fulcrum is doing."

"That's not good. What are you thinking?" I could almost see the wheels spinning through her eyes.

She responded, "What if we sent someone in to rescue him? We could bring him back to the base and he will be safe."

That wasn't a bad idea. In fact, it was brilliant! "Let's get right on it! Who should we send?"

We both knew who would be best.

Nobody knew how to act better than Ezra.

Ezra's POV

"Congratulations, Ezra. You are clear to go."

"Thanks, Mr....?"

The doctor smiled. "Doctor."

"Mister Doctor?"

I laughed, while the doctor just smiled. He waved me out and laughed, "Get out of here, kid."

I smiled at him and ran out.

When I ran through the door, Sarah was sitting outside of it on a bench. When she heard me, she stood up and smiled when she "saw" me run. "I guess you were cleared?"

I smiled back. "Yep. I can get right back to missions."

"Speaking of that," Sarah commented, "Kanan's wondering if you are up for a new mission."

Finally, a mission! "Heck, yeah, I'm ready! Where would I go?"


I was about to scream out of joy. Back to my home! It's felt like years since I've seen the place. I hope it is still in good condition. 

Then, I thought about something else.

"Are you coming, too?" I asked excitedly. She hasn't seen it in a long time, either.

Her smile went down a little. "Sorry, it's a solo mission. I wish I could come, though."

I pretended to cry really hard. Sarah just laughed. I lifted my head and laughed, too. "But, seriously, I wish you could come."

She patted my shoulder. "Just let me know how it is, okay?" I nodded. She continued, "Kanan wants to go through the mission with you as soon as you can. Good luck."

"I thought you said I didn't need luck."

She smiled and said, "Don't get cocky, kid."

She started to walk away, but I rushed in front of her and yelled back to her, "Race you to the holotable!"

I ran as fast as I could, but I heard her footsteps quickly coming from behind me. The only reason I had to stop was because a pilot was walking across the hallway. That was all Sarah needed to jump past me and yelled from behind her, "On your left!"

Of course, I couldn't catch up to her after that. I finally made it to the holotable and told Sarah, "You got lucky this time!"

She probably had rolled her eyes beneath her mask. But, I did see her smile. We hugged each other, and she said, "Stay safe, Ezra."


With that, she left me to find out my next mission back to my home planet.

Yet, it didn't feel right to go back without her. Even though I never knew it, she was always there to keep me safe. It was just weird to go back without her.

Oh, well. I know she'll always make sure I am safe. I'll be okay.

Haha!! Marvel references!!

Thanks for reading this. I'm getting closer to the end of Through the Darkness, so I wanted your guys' opinions on my cover for my final book in this series, Our Last Stand. You can leave comments anywhere in this book or my other book and tell me what you want the cover to look like. I am at a mind blank right now.

Thanks. Byeeee!

~ MarvelRebel27

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