Chapter 4: An Old Friend

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Kanan's POV

Ezra, Sarah and I were flying through hyperspace on a transfer ship. We were supposed to meet up with another transfer, but they were not responding. When we came out of hyperspace, it was there, but completely destroyed.

"Looks like it was attacked." Ezra said, mainly to Sarah since she couldn't see what was happening.

We boarded, the three of us. It was in shambles. Boxes were everywhere, the lights were flickering, and the entire shop was tilted.

Sarah went in front of us, sensing for any survivors. She got up to the second door on the right and said, "Over here."

Ezra opened the door. Moaning could be heard from the very back underneath a box of supplies. I ran up to the box. On the floor was a man coughing and moaning. It looked like he was just regaining consciousness.

"Hang on. It's okay. We'll get you help."

Ezra said, "What happened here?"

He struggled to speak, "Red... red blade. A-af-fter... y-you. M-made me t-t-ell..." He stayed coughing up again.

"Hey," Sarah said in a soothing tone, "relax. Slow down. What did they make you tell?"

He took a deep breath and finally answered, "The Ghost is in danger."

Ezra muttered, "Another Inquisitor?"

"We have to warn Hera." I responded. We took the man to the med-bay on our ship.

We signaled Hera. She's got to be okay. Please pick up, Hera. I thought.

Yes! She did. But, she didn't look happy. "Hera, are we glad to see you're alright!" I said. I heard Sarah slightly laugh. I almost smacked my hand to my head. I forgot she was blind.

"Kanan..." She started.

"Hera, there's another Inquisitor after us. He knows where the Ghost--"

"Kanan!" Hera interrupted. She looked sad. Why? "It's not an Inquisitor." She was shoved away and her capturer came into view.

"Oh, no." Ezra mumbled. He was about as shocked as I was. How was he here?!

"What? Who is it?" Sarah said. I forgot she had no clue who we saw. Why do I do that?

I wish she couldn't hear him, either.

"Just an old friend, Jedi Knight."


Sarah's POV

I wish Maul could see my face because he would have seen my eyes starting to glow red. I shook it off. I don't care what he had done. I can't turn.

"Maul?!" Ezra yelled. "You betrayed me!"

"Hmm... No." Maul responded. "I betrayed your friends. But, I would have remained loyal to you."

I rolled my clear eyes. I can't believe he still thinks Ezra is going to work with him.

"What do you want?" I asked/snarled.

"The Sith Holocron that my apprentice and I used on Malacore."

"We don't have it." Kanan said. I bet he was smirking on the inside.

"Well. How... unfortunate. Because..." I heard the hologram expand... "if that is true..." I heard someone ignite their lightsaber. It must have been Maul because it sounded distant. "... then your friends have no future."

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