Chapter 20: Inception Culmination

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Kanan's POV

Rex, Zeb, and I retreated from the walkers. There were just too many of them. We ran as fast and far as we could until we turned back and couldn't see them.

We sprinted back to Chopper Base. Hera was pacing back and forth, her arms crossed, and her brows burrowed. She looked up, ran to me, and hugged me tight. I returned the favor. Hera whispered into my ear, "Sato's gone." I hugged her tighter. He was her leader. I can easily understand why she would be upset.

When we released each other, a pilot said, "We have to leave soon. The Empire is closing in." I nodded, and gathered any leftover supplies. I ran out to the Ghost and put the supplies in there.

But, as I was walking back to the rest of the members of Chopper Base, I heard footsteps. I reached for my lightsaber until I heard an all-too-familiar voice. "I wouldn't reach for that if I were you." A gun barrel was at my back. I sighed and raised my hands in surrender. "Good." he said.

Grand Admiral Thrawn.

He took my lightsaber from my belt and tossed it to the side. I was taken back to everyone else, who were already corralled by stormtroopers.

I felt an inhumane chill go down my spine. I had felt it when I came to after being tossed from the speeder and unconscious. I lost my train of thought when Thrawn shoved me into the rest of the rebels. Sarah caught me and helped me up. I looked at the side of her belt to see that her lightsaber had been taken, too.

"So," Thrawn laughed, "this is the rebel fleet's greatest leaders. Pitiful." He turned to Hera. "Now, I shall be taking Captain Syndulla with me."

"You're not going near her." I said, stepping in front of her.

Thrawn just laughed. "Try to stop me, Jedi."

I was so full of anger that I didn't even think about what I was getting into. I charged at Thrawn. The first thing I did was throw a punch, but he easily blocked it with his forearm. In return, he grabbed my arm, and twisted it behind my back. He kicked me in the back of my kneecaps, forcing me onto my knees.

I elbowed him with my free arm, but he kept his grip and shoved me into two stormtroopers, who grabbed both of my hands and stood on my feet to make sure I didn't stand back up.

"Perhaps," Thrawn said, "a little demonstration for you, Syndulla, will change your mind."

At lightening speed, he whipped out his gun and aimed it at my head. "Goodbye, Jedi."

I closed my eyes, waiting for my demise. So, this was how I would go down. Didn't think it would be like this.

He pulled the trigger.

And I heard the shot.

But, it never came. I opened my eyes to see Thrawn looking at his gun. He aimed and pulled it again.

This time, I knew what happened. A small shield came in midair where the blast was supposed to hit.  "This is impossible."

I smirked. I knew what was happening. "Guess it's not impossible anymore." He glared at me. I responded, "I guess I have a guardian angel."

He glanced around a bit. He then looked like he solved the greatest mystery of all times.

He turned around to the corralled rebels and aimed his gun at Sarah. He pulled the trigger.

But, the same thing happened. A small shield came whew the blast would have been. It knocked the blast back to Thrawn and almost hitting him. She evilly smirked. "Missed me."

Now was the time for me to get out. I used the Force to raise the stormtroopers holding me down into the air. I intended for them to hit the other troops, but something hit them first.

I looked up. So did everyone else, even Thrawn.

Dark clouds came from all around us. Large spears of lightening came down from the heart of the storm. One thing of lightening hit Thrawn's ship in the distance. The fireball of the explosion was clearly visible from here.

"What Jedi magic is this?" Thrawn asked.

Two bright circles of light came from the middle of the darkest cloud. It boomed, "I am the Bendu. Jedi, your violence has disrupted my peaceful world. Now, all shall pay!"

Lightening hit right in front of Thrawn, sending him into the middle of the rebels, knocking half of them down. They scrambled back up an they all ran to the Ghost.

"That's your friend?!" Hera yelled.

"Well..." I said. But, I didn't finish. We had to get everyone on as fast as possible.

Some of the stormtroopers were getting back up and started shooting. Sarah jumped down and made a small shield behind everyone so they wouldn't get shot.

Everyone was getting on board. We were doing it! Surprisingly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sarah's and my lightsabers on the ground. I Forced them up to me. Can't forget those.

I yelled down to Sarah, "Everyone is on! Come on!" She turned her head back and nodded. I ran to the cockpit and told Hera, "Start taking off!"

She started up the Ghost and hovered about five feet in the air, waiting for Sarah.

I ran back down to the landing platform to make sure Sarah got on. She was running back to us. When we were about fifteen feet in the air, she jumped.

A spear of lightening came down...

And hit Sarah right in the chest.

Sarah's POV

I fell hard onto the ground, barely being able to breathe. My usual red sight was turning black, and my breathing slowly became more and more unsteady.

I used every ounce of energy I had to figure out what was going on.

I sensed I was leaning upon a rock. I sensed Thrawn and stormtroopers a few yards away. They were talking to someone on the ground.


I heard a blaster shot, then a deep fading laugh.

And I sensed the Ghost, flying off to Yavin 4. I weakly smiled to myself. They were okay. They were safe.

I guess the Prophecy will not come true after all. I smiled. Ezra won't die.


One cannot live if the other is dead.

What will happen to him?

I guess I will find out soon enough.

I breathed my final breath, I saw my last glimpse of color.

And I let the darkness envelop me...

Thank you all for reading this book. This is actually the last book of the "trilogy." I have decided that I will be making a prequel to Take My Hand and explain what happened to not only Sarah, but all of my Ghost crew.

So, basically, one-shots of Pre-Rebels Season 1.

I will post the first chapter opening day of Star Wars Rebels, season 4 (October 16th, 2017) at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

Also, be on the lookout for a Marvel one-shot book I am also working on. I don't know when I will be done with the first one, but I will get it out as soon as possible.

There is one more chapter, which is just the final author's note to explain any hidden details or why I did what I did.



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