Chapter 7: Return- Part Two

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Sarah's POV

Kanan and I finally made it to the planet the tracker took us to. "Well," Kanan said, "Maul's ship is here. This is the right place."

We got out of the Phantom and headed towards a cave. It was a lot colder in there than on the outside.

I heard voices. Ghostly voices. Multiple. We walked faster. I heard Ezra voice. We started to run.

"What's happening?!" Ezra said.

I heard Maul say, "Since we have used the Night Sister's spell, we must pay something in return."

The Night Sister's? Who the heck are they?

"Well, let's just pay and get out of here!" Ezra yelled.

"Unfortunately, the price to pay is our souls."


Kanan and I were at a full sprint by this time. Kanan saw Ezra first... (Well, of course he would, blind Sarah! Gosh, find a better word for it.)


Kanan located Ezra first. Happy? (Sure, whatever...)


Kanan yelled, "Ezra! You need to get out of here!"

I finally sensed him, too. Ezra turned around to spot us. "What are you guys doing here?!"

I heard something talk. Then, they came behind me. My mask was knocked off. They took over my senses. I wasn't in control of myself.

Wait a minute...

I could see!! I wanted to tell Kanan, but I couldn't move my mouth.

Instead, I saw him run to me.

I collapsed. He caught me when I was about halfway to the ground.

Something was coming behind Kanan. It was green and ghostly. She had holes where their eyes should have been, and her airy hair swirled all around her head.

She reached out her boney hands and grabbed Kanan's face.

She slid right through him and inside of him.

He collapsed next to me, dropping me to the ground head first.

I groaned in my mind. Then, my body stood up, along with Kanan's, picked up my mask, and we walked to what looked like a stone bed or worshipping area.

I tried to yell out to Ezra, but he just walked to us, looking afraid and tentative. "Kanan? Sarah?"

Kanan leaped in front of me and directly at Maul. His eyes were flaming green. They began fighting with their lightsabers.

Ezra turned back to me. I threw my mask that was in my hand to the ground. My body smirked in an evil way, ignited my lightsaber, and I attacked.

We fought for a bit until Ezra and Maul ran out of the cave. Kanan and I just stood there, still inside if the cave, watching my brother and Maul stand there, out of breath and afraid.

Kanan and I backed away, back into the darkness, waiting for our prey to come again.

Kanan's POV

I am not in control of what I do. Something is controlling me. I was backing away from Ezra and Maul when all I wanted to do more than anything was protect Ezra and kill Maul.

Sarah went to the worshipping table, sat down, and mediated. Green mist swirled around her until it covered her from view. Come on, Kanan. Fight it!!

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