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                                  (Mickey Milkovich)reader
your best friends with Mickey Milkovich and your suffering through depression and he doesn't know. Then later he finds you cutting your wrist.

Trigger warning - self-harm, if self-harm triggers you then please don't read. And if you need to talk I'm right here, but please don't cut.

I had a long day at work with my boss yelling at me telling me that I'm a worthless piece of trash who can't do shit and that the only reason he keeps me around is that boyfriend of mine, Mickey Milkovich. He's been my friend since I was 8.

I walked in the bathroom looked in the mirror then I unzipped my makeup bag and pulled out my small silver razorblade. Then I pulled up my sleeve, pushed the razorblade to my skin and slid it till I could see the thick red liquid run down my arm. Then I made a other slit then one more, as I sat there watching my blood slide down my arm slowly, I remembered that Mickey is supposed to come over today.

I quickly rinsed off the razorblade then placed it back in my makeup bag. After I got done with that Mickey came in and said, "hey, Y/n you home?"

"Yeah, I'm just in the bathroom, give me a sec." I answered then I cleaned my cuts and normally I wrap them but since Mickey is here I just threw on my black sweatshirt. I walked out into the living room and quietly sat on the couch.

He turned around and did that face where one of his eye brows go up and says, "took long enough."

"Sorry, I am a girl" I said back in a teasing manner.

"Shut the fuck up" he says jokingly with a soft laugh and I just laughed with him.

We started the movie when I remembered I forgot the m&ms that we always eat when we hang out. As I was walking away mickey grabbed my arm and made me wince in pain.

"The fuck?" He said with confusion clear in his voice. He kept hold of my arm as I tried to pull from his grip but he was a lot stronger then me.

"Mickey, please." I said on the verge to crying. He looked at me in the eye and pulled up my sleeve and saw the fresh cuts.

"The fuck is this?" He asked doing his face thing toward me.

"Its nothing Mickey..." I was interrupted by him.

"Bullshit, that's not nothing." He stated

"Yeah I know Mickey its called depression," I said to him starting to raise my voice at him, "and you know what Mickey I'm not really sorry for not telling you, because I knew this is how you would act." I said now yelling at him and hitting his chest.

"Y\N, Y\N, Y\N, Its all right, its all right." He says trying to  calm me down and holding my slit wrist in his hand. As he's holding my  slit wrist in his hand I look in his eyes and break down. I start to fall to the ground but he pulls my wrist so I would be in his arms. I was surprised that Mickey Milkovich was actually being caring. I cried in his chest for awhile until I finally calmed down and he just waited until I was ready to get up.

After about 10-15 minutes I I got up and wiped away my tears and put away everything and walked Mickey to my door. When we stopped at the door he turned around and put his hand out and said, "give me it." I gave him a confused look and he said, "the razor or what ever your using to hurt yourself." I nodded, went to the bathroom, got into my makeup bag, and grabbed the razorblade out. I walked out and handed Mickey the razorblade.

He smiled and pulled you into a hug and said, "if you need anything, just talk to me, all right,?"

"All right" I said then he kissed the top of my head and left I shut the door and sighed deeply. Then smiled to myself and went to bed.

Hey guys, it is me your shameless girl, anyway I hope you like this one and sorry for any mistakes but since its summer I've been staying up late and right now I'm like extremely tired which is pretty rare. But anyway remember request are open and also remember to vote, comment, and share thank you.
                                          - Love y'all

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