pregnancy (CarlGallagher)

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I was sitting on the toilet waiting anxiously for the test results to find out whether or not I'm pregnant. Carl went to jail about a week ago and the symptoms started a few days after, so I decided to take the test. I had the little stick in my hand waiting for the results when two pink lines appeared on the stick. I felt a pit in my stomach when I saw it 'oh fuck' I thought to myself.  

I threw away the stick and walked out of the bathroom and walked down stairs where Ian was cooking breakfast.  I walked up to the counter and sat down Ian could tell something was wrong, since we're really close, and asked, "what's up, Y/n?"

"Huh, oh's nothing."

"Bullshit, now what's wrong?"

"You can't tell anyone, okay?"


I took a deep breath and pushed some of my hair behind my ear and said, "I'm......pregnant."

Ian stopped what he was doing and came up to you, "are you sure?" He asked voice filled with worry. 

"Yeah, I just took the test"

"And its Carl's?"

"Yes, who's else would it be" I said flinging my arms out to exaggerate.

"What are you gonna do"

"I think I'm gonna keep it but I'm not sure what Carl will want" I said putting my head down and looking at my hands in my lap.

"Hey, later today we'll go visit him, okay?" 

"Okay." I said nodding my head.


Ian barrowed a car from Mickey and now we were getting ready to go visit Carl. I was putting on my black high top converse, grabbed my jean jacket, and put my phone in my back pocket. I got in the car and we drove off.

After what felt like forever in the car we arrived at the prison where Carl was being held. Ian and I got out of the car and walked in the prison and asked to visit Carl. I sat by the window with the phone waiting for Carl, when he came and sat down I grabbed the phone and he did as well. "Hey." He said.


"Haven't seen you in awhile."

"Yeah haven't gotten to be able to do much except work."

"I've missed you"

"Miss you too"


I interrupted him "I'm pregnant" 

"What? Y/n you sure"

"Yeah that's why Ian drove me here, so I could tell you."

"You gonna keep it?"

"Not sure, I'm just going to talk to Fiona and see what she says."

"How did this even happen, I mean we used protection."

"Yeah but things happen Carl."

"I'm not sure you" he said the last part slowly.

"That's not your call."

"Why, it's my.."

"No, you're in jail cause you were stupid enogh to deal drugs and get caught. And you know what this child is in me not you so you get no say in this. I have enough money I can buy my own apartment and live there and raise MY child!" I said to him exaggerating the my and slamming the phone down and walking back to Ian leaving Carl sitting there with a hurt expression.

Hey my shameless children I'm back finally. Sorry for not updating in awhile but the device I had wattpad on broke and the only other device I could write on was my school iPad and I just got it back. Anyway I will try to update more often. Also I am so excited for season 8 of shameless ahhh. Anyway please remember to vote comment and share thank you.

                                               -Love y'all 

Ps: request are still open for men or women, thank you.

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