Chapter 33 ~ Jealousy

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We're back in London now. The three of us returned this morning. I'm curled up next to Dan on the couch drawing. Today I'm dressed in this:

"Hey Pj is here!" Phil calls out to us from the kitchen, then answers the door

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"Hey Pj is here!" Phil calls out to us from the kitchen, then answers the door.

"KickThePj?" I ask. Dan nods. "Cool! I haven't met him" I say, returning to my sketchbook. I was drawing a vase filled with roses. I have spent over two hours getting every last detail perfect. I can't seem to get a highlight on a petal right though.

"Hey!" Pj grins, plopping down on the couch next to me. He glances at my drawing, but then looks away to follow the unspoken rule in the art community, never look at somebody's sketchbook without their permission. Sketchbooks are a personal thing and someone going through it feels violating.

"May I?" he asks, gesturing to my drawing.

"Sure" I shrug. His green eyes soak up the details in the sketch, then he notices the part where I'm struggling.

"A kneaded eraser will make that bit easier. But that is REALLY good." he smiles, returning my book to me.

"Oh I guess that would be easier, and thanks" I chuckle.

"You're (Y/N) right?" he asks me.

"No. She's long gone. I'm (Y/N) 2.0, a robotic replacement created by Google to maximize ad revenue" I joke in a Siriesque voice, causing us both to start cracking up. Dan just stays quiet the whole conversation. (This is kinda funny for me because my name is Alexa and ya' know the Amazon thing. I've gotten so many "Hey Alexa" jokes dear lord)

"Alright, well I really loved her videos, wherever she is" he smiles.

"Thanks!" I grin, putting more lines onto the paper. Dan puts his arm around my shoulder now.

"Sweet shirt" he points to my black shirt with a Triforce symbol.

"Legend of Zelda rocks" I agree. "I mean I really love a lot of games but this one is definitely one of my favorites.

"Mine too. My personal favorite is Metroid"

"Mine is (Favorite game)"

"Man that game is great" he beams. Dan slips his hand in mine now. Is he jealous? Phil sits next to Pj as he walks in the room.

"What do you guys want to do?" Phil asks. I stand up and Dan pouts when I break away from him. I set my sketchbook down and return to my spot. Dan doesn't hold my hand this time but he down put his arm around me, which I am not complaining.

"Rockband?" I suggest. We all agree. We are playing SING by My Chemical Romance. Here's who is playing what.

(Y/N): Microphone, Expert

Pj: Drums, Hard

Dan: Lead Guitar, Expert

Phil: Rhythm Guitar, Hard

We all do amazing, I got 99% accuracy, along with Dan. Phil and Pj both got in the mid 90's for their accuracy.

"Okay, I'm STARVING" I complain.

"We could go to that one arcade again" Phil suggests.

"The pizza was pretty good" I agree. Pj and Dan are cool with it too. We slide into a booth and Dan puts his arm around me. I get into this one conversation with Pj about art techniques and how expensive art supplies are.


"I know! And you need like 50 of them just to make your art look nice" he rants.

"That company has me wrapped around their finger. ALL I WANT IS MY ART TO LOOK NICE" I whine.

"I KNOW JUST TAKE ALL MY LIFE SAVINGS" he jokes, and now I'm laughing an bit. We finish eating our pizza and the four of us go to the arcade games.

Dan and I play a game of DDR. To which he destroyed me at.

"Well, FUCK" I pant, out of breath.

"I WON LOSER" he boasts.

"Shut it Dan" I snap, but I had a grin on my face.

"Make me" he smiles. I then press my lips to his. He was somewhat shocked at first but then he really kissed back. We eventually broke away and met back with the other two, Dan holding my hand the whole way back.

"GUYS LETS PLAY MARIO KART!" Phil exclaims running over to the four consoles.

Dan and I plop behind the wheel of the two consoles by each other.

"Care to bet?" Dan smirks.

"Sure, what?" I shrug.

"If I win, you have to make out with me, right here, right now"

"Okay, if I win, you buy me some ice cream"

"Deal" he agrees, and we shake hands.

I select Rosalina, and pick my normal bike. I take off, staying in first until halfway through the second lap, where I get hit by a blue shell and Pj and Dan zoom ahead of me, Phil and I fighting for third. I can't seem to make it back to where I was, and Dan beats me.

"I win" he smirks.

"Yes you did" I sigh, frustrated from the game. "I REALLY wanted that tub of ice cream" I pretend to be super upset, which Dan understands is a joke.

"Well a deal's a deal" I say, and he leans in and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he puts his hands on my waist.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I smile.


Wow, (Y/N) and Dan are really going at it. I'm jealous, totally. But, nobody is as jealous as Dan. Every time Pj would talk to her, Dan would immediately find someway to touch her to say "She's mine".

God if he finds out I like her, our friendship is probably over.

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