Chapter 39 ~ Sleepover

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Our cab pulls up to our flat. Dan, Phil, Pj and I all climb out and walk up the stairs.

When the three of us get in we change into our pajamas, Dan letting Pj borrow some of his. I decide on a Panic! At The Disco strappy tank and black shorts. Dan is wearing a black tshirt and grey pants, Pj practically wearing the same. Phil is wearing a sky blue shirt and Mortal Combat pants.

Dan scoots over on the couch and I squeeze between him and Pj. Then we start throwing ideas on what to do.

"Truth or dare?" I suggest. We all agree.

"(Y/N), truth or dare?" Dan smiles.

"Dare" I reply boldly.

"I dare you" he pauses in thought, "to give me a hickey" I saw him smirk slightly at Pj and Phil.

"I hope you know that involves her touching your neck" Phil raised his eyebrows.

"I'll make an exception for this" Dan rolls his eyes.

I sigh and sit on his lap, facing him. He leans his head to the side, giving me a clean shot of his neck. I press my lips onto the crook and plant kisses until I find a spot where he starts breathing heavier. I feel his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into him more. I continue to suck at his sweet spot until I am for sure there will be a mark. Then I break away and stand up. Dan whines and pulls me back down so I sit on his lap. I struggle to break away, but his arms are wrapped around me so tight I just give up.

I snuggle into him and make myself comfortable. While Pj answers a deep philosophical truth, Dan traces patterns on the skin of my thigh. I lay my head down on him, and soon enough sleep takes over.


Phil's POV

"(Y/N), truth or dare" Dan asks.

"Dare" she grins.

"I dare you," he thinks, then smirks, "to give me a hickey". This is going to be painful to watch. My secret crush sucking on my best friend's neck.

"I hope you know that involves her touching your neck" I blurt in a sort of attempt to stop it.

"I'll make an exception for this" he smiles at her. (Y/N) starts kissing his neck while on his lap. I see him smirk slightly at Pj and I, as a way to say, "See? She loves me and me only". The look strikes fear in my heart.

Does he know I like her?

Dan is a jealous person and I know if he knew how I felt, he would hate me. I would lose him and (Y/N).

After the look, he pulled (Y/N) close and looked away. I look over at Pj and he looks over at me. I could tell he noticed the look too. I mouth "talk to you later about this?" And he nods.


After Dan and (Y/N) are asleep together on the couch Pj and I go to the kitchen.

"You like (Y/N) don't you?" He asks.

"That isn't what this is about" I hiss.

"You didn't answer the question" he teases.

"I can tell you do" I smile.

"Whatever. So what was that look Dan shot us about? Does he know?" Pj worries.

"I don't know and I'm afraid. I can't lose my best friend." I sigh.

"Wouldn't he say something?" Pj asks

"I have no clue. Dan isn't the type for confrontation. I don't think he will say anything until he's sure" I conclude.

"Lets keep it that way then. This conversation stays between the two of us, right?" Pj asks.

"For sure" I agree.

"Okay lets get some sleep then" he yawns. He lays on the carpeted floor by the couch with the sleeping couple, and I retreat to my room. I take my shirt off and crawl underneath the green and blue checked sheets. Slowly, I drift off.

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