Chapter Twenty-Two

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I can't believe this story has over 5000 reads! I am seriously so speechless. I cannot thank you guys enough for getting me to this many reads! I LOVE YOU ALL <3

Song; Situations by Escape The Fate


Allison's P.O.V.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to break up with Jacky. I love him and he loves me!" I yelled but only to be smacked by Daniel.

"I am the one who loves you! You think he loves you?! Hah, Allison you are so pathetic. He doesn't love you. He feels sorry for you and that's why you think he loves you. You're just too stupid to realize." To be honest, what he said hurt me and it only made me think. Does Jacky not love me? And is he only staying with me because he feels like he has to? For the baby.

I guess they left after what Daniel said to me because they weren't anywhere around me. But I wish they were still here so I could at least stop thinking about Jacky might not love me like he says he does. Or thinking that he may think he needs to be in this relationship because of the baby. I am really paranoid now. I'm gonna sleep for now, I'm tired. Prego problems.

Jacky's P.O.V.

We have been out here for hours and there is still no sign to where Allison might be. But I know for a fact that I won't stop looking. She is my everything and that little fetus that's is inside her right now, he/she is my everything too. If anything happen to them I swear someone will get killed and it won't be by me but by, Ryan.

Speaking of Ryan, he's out here now looking while the girls were back at the venue in our bus. He told us that he's not going to stop until he finds her even if it's the last thing he does and I'm with him so on that because I need her in my life. I want to marry her and have an even bigger family with her.

My thoughts were soon interrupted when I stepped on something. I looked down and saw it was a necklace. To be specific, it was a music note. It looked so familiar so I went to Ryan see if he knew it.

I got to Ryan and saw he was looking and calling out Allison's name  everywhere.

"Ryan!" I called out to him and he came running towards me.

"Have you found her yet?!" He asked frantically. I shook my head just as disappointed as he was.

"But I found this. Do you recognize it? Because something about it seems familiar." I said showing him. His eyes widened and took it from me.

"This is the necklace I gave Ally when we were in 8th grade. I can't believe she kept it. But, whatever. Where did you find this?" He asked and I led him to where I found it.

"Hey Ryan," I said getting his attention, "do you think we'll find her? I mean.. I want her back, I need her back." He looked at me with a sympathetic look and put his hand on my shoulder.

"We will find her, Jacky. I want her back with us just as much as you do and even though I'm her older brother and I should be protective of her around guys. I'm not with you because I know you will be good to her." I smiled when he said that.

"Well, let's find her." I said hurrying back to where I found the necklace. I showed him the spot and we found a trail of tire tracks. We tried to follow them as far as we could but they seemed to go on for awhile. So, we got everyone in the car and drove wherever the trails led.

It was fairly easy being led to wherever the person took Allison because we were on a dirt road that only had a set of tire tracks. I hope these were the tire tracks that had Allison on the other side of them.
"Jacky," I looked up from my train if thought to see Derek pointing to a warehouse, "I think they're in there." I nodded and I got out of the car. I heard a scream and ran toward it.

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