Chapter Twenty-Five

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Song; Gorgeous Nightmare ~Escape The Fate


Jacky P.O.V.

She just left. Just like that.. I can't believe she is doing this. I love her and she just left.

I have to get someone to go after her.. Where's my phone?

I looked at the bed side table and saw it. I grabbed it and went through my contacts. Ryan.

I tapped on his name and waited for him to pick up.




"Jacky?! You're up?!" Finally.

"Listen Ryan. You have to go after Allison. She came in here and said all this shit about wanting to protect everyone and then she left. She told me that she has to leave and she doesn't know when I'll see her again. Please Ryan go find her. I need her in my life." I begged.

"Jacky, Jacky.. Slow down. Why hell do you mean Ally left?! But okay I'll go find her and I'll send one of the guys up. Okay?" He said.

"Okay, tell Derek to come up." I said and he said okay then we hung up.

So many thoughts were going through my brain and I don't like being stuck in this bed like I'm crippled. I feel restricted and I hate it!

Soon, Derek came through the doors with a worried expression on his face.

"Jacky, what is Ryan talking about, about how Ally has gone AWOL?!"

"It's true.. She came in her and said all this stuff about how she doesn't want anyone else getting hurt with her dad and ex coming after her still. Did the police arrest them?! She just left. She told me she loved me and then left." I was in tears once again and I don't care who's in the room to see me in this state.

"Awe, Jack.. we'll get her back. Don't worry. She couldn't of gone far. When did she leave?" He asked.

"Umm... about 20 minutes ago.. I think.. My head is still a little hazy." I said truthfully.

"Okay.. I'm going to call Ryan and tell him to look on the bus. She going to need clothes if she's running away." I nodded and just let myself break down.

I need to get out of this god for saken bed and help! She is the girl I am in love with and the girl that is holding my child.

When I started to get up I got dizzy and I had to sit back down.

"Jacky, you gotta stay here. We got it from here. Ryan is going back to the bus and he is going to find her. But you can't get out of bed until the doctor says you can. Now, please get back in bed." He literally begged and even though I didn't want to, I agreed.

"Wait, Derek.." I called out to get his attention, "please find her.. she means everything to me.." He half smiled.

"She means everything to me too, bro. Don't worry we'll get her back soon." I sighed and he left. Now what am I suppose to do?

Allison's P.O.V.

I need to be quick. Even though I have no idea how I'm getting to the airport. But I'll think of something and I'll be on my way. I really hope no one comes after me.. then I can't do anything but say goodbye to them in person.

No one can change my mind about leaving to keep everyone safe. Not Derek, not Ronnie, not Ron, not Abby, not Lilyanne, not Rose, not Ryan, not even Jacky can. I love them all to death but I'm trying to keep them safe and this is the only way to do so.

I need to hurry up. I checked a time for a flight to California and the next time is at 6:30. It is now 5 and it'll only take about 30 minutes to get there from here. I got  my suitcase from the back and shoved everything I owned in it.

When I was about to grab my camera that had every picture I took from my experience with them I froze when the bus door opened.

Dammit, of course they came after me.

"Ally, I know you're in here. Please can we talk?" Ryan.. out of all of them he had to look for me.. I can never say no to him no matter what.

I walked out into the 'living room' and sat on the couch without looking at him.

He continued to talk.

"Why are you leaving?"

"I'm leaving to keep everyone safe. I don't need anybody else getting hurt like.. Jacky did. This all happened because of me and now I'm fixing it by leaving so they can come after me and not everyone else." I say glancing up at him.

"Allison Winter, I am not letting leave this bus. Plus where are you even going to go? We are 100 of 1000's miles away from ho- Is that a plane ticket?" He cut himself of and asked looking down in my hand which did have the ticket in.

"Yea.." I whispered.

"To where."

"Cali.. I'm going to go back to the place that I should have never left in the first place." I determinedly said to him.

"You are not. Going back to that asshole that you call a father. You are staying here." I shook my head.

"I can't. You saw what they did to Jacky! I can't let it happen to you or Derek or any of the others! If he has me then he won't come after you all." I stated.

"Ally, you're talking crazy! He could kill you! Then what happens?! We never see you ever again! And are you even thinking of your baby with Jacky? He is crushed enough that you are leaving him and if he knows you truly did leave how do you think he will react if he knows that he might not see his baby be born. He wants to be with you, Ally. He wants to see his child grow up and you're not letting him." I took in everything Ryan said and it made me think just a little harder on my decision.


So that is this Chapter! I hope you like it and I hope you don't hate me for not updating..

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