Chapter Twenty

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Here is chapter 20!! Thank you, my lovelies, for voting and leaving amazing comments it means the world to me!! I love you all!!! <3

Song; Misconnections by 7 Minutes In Heaven


Allison's P.O.V.

It's been 5 minutes and I am too terrified to look at it. I opened the door to the bathroom and handed Rose the test.

"I don't know what it is.. Just tell me." She nodded her head and read it, I couldn't read her face so I just took the test from her and read it. Positive..

"Ally, you may never know.. It could be a defective test." I shook my head and turned back into the bathroom. I looked at the other test hat I took and they were all positive.

"Rose, I took more than one test.. And they're all positive.." I started to break down and cry in the bathroom. All the girls tried to comfort me but it wasn't working... I kept talking about how I knew Jacky would leave me and want nothing to do with me. But they told me different, they told me he would be there and so would all the guy including them.

We all heard the bus door open and Lilyanne shot up and tried to stop who ever was comi not he bus but she didn't succeed. Ronnie and Derek came through the door.. Of course it had to be the ones most protective of me.

"Ally? Why are you crying?" Derek asked and I didn't have the courage to tell them so I whispered to Rose and Abby to go and tell them but to not say anything to Jacky. They nodded and got up and out of the bathroom dragging them away into the living room. Lilyanne sat next to me while I cried on her shoulder.

Rose's P.O.V.

Ronnie and Derek came in and Ally wanted me and Abby to tell them the news but not today anything to Jacky. Abby and I grabbed them both and brought hem to the living room and they looked confused.

"Why is Ally crying?! What happened?!" Derek asked worried. He was always like a big brother to her and always wanted to make sure she was okay, which I thought was very brotherly like.

"You guys have probably been wondering why us girls have been acting weird, right?" I asked and they both nodded, "well, the reason is that we all were thinking Ally was pregnant.. Her and I went to the store and bought tests..." Their eyes were practically out of their eye sockets and mouths agap. They finally brought themselves back to reality.

"So? What did the tests say?" Ronnie asked, myself and Abby put up or thumbs as a way to say she was. Once again their eyes were wide.

"But no telling Jacky! Got it?" Abby added which I almost forgot to mention.

"But, why? Jacky is the father right? He has the right to know." Derek asked curiously.

"Yes, he's the father. Ally just want to tell him at he right time. Okay?" I said and they nodded understanding.

"But can we tell Ron and Ry- never mind.." I was going to flip out if he was going to tell Ryan. Ryan does not know how to keep his mouth shut about anything, granted he was her best friend since forever.

"No, I want to tell him too, he is my best friend and I trust him.. But I want to tell him.." We all turn to see Ally in the door way with Lilyanne behind her. We all nod and she sits on the couch with Ronnie and Derek on either side of her.

We all started to talk and then it hit me and I looked at Derek and Ronnie.

"How did you guys get in? Ally locked the door.."

"Um.. I picked the lock..." Ronnie said in sly smile. We all laughed except Ally. She seemed so out of it ever since the results came. We all noticed and Derek put his hand on her leg taking her out of whatever thought she was in. She looked at us and how we were all looking at her. She put her head down starting to cry and Ronnie kissed her head.

"Listen Ally, we will be there for you. Okay? And I know for a fact that Jacky will be there too." Ronnie said tryin get o get her to stop crying and she did. She wiped off the tears and put on a smile.

"Thank you guys. I love you." She said and we all were in a group hug until the bus door opened again revealing Ryan, Ron, and Jacky.

"Woah, there's a group hug without me?!" Ryan asked shocked and putting his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt. We all laughed and so did Ally, but this time if was real. God, I hope Jacky and Ryan take the news well.

Allison's P.O.V.

"Hey, we got a show in 10 minutes. We better get going." Ron said to everyone and we all walked out. I walked with Jacky hand in hand and a little behind everyone so we could talk but not about that well, at least not yet.

"So, where were you? You never came to find me after being with the girls." He asked and I started to panic I totally forgot to meet him after I went to the bus and with the whole pregnancy thing and I mean how can I get pregnant we only did it 2 times but with all this, I just forgot... Ugh I am such a terrible person..

"Oh, um.. I started to feel sick and I told Abby to tell you I wouldn't be able to come by. But I guess she forgot. I'm sorry." This actually was a total lie.. I did get sick but I never told Abby to tell him I couldn't make it.

"Nah, it's okay babe. As long as you're feeling better that's all that matters." He said kissing me and I smiled. I loved kissing him it was the best thing ever.

"I'm feeling better now that you're here." I said and he laughed at my cheesiness. We talked about random things and tour. I loved when he talked about tour and his career, it just puts a smile on my face.

"What are you looking at? Did I smear my makeup!?" He asked like a girl and check his face on a near by tour bus and I just giggled at him and pulled him toward the stage where they were playing. Everyone was already there and I could tell Abby, Lilyanne, Rose, Ronnie, and Derek told Ron what was up because when Jacky left to go get his guitar he came up and said, "we're all here for you." I smiled and hugged him while saying thank you.

"Falling in reverse is on in 2 minutes!" The stage manager yelled and the guys started to warm up. Myself, Lilyanne, Rose, and Abby talked about random things not daring to bring up the whole prego thing up in case Ryan or Jacky heard and watched the guys end their pre-show ritual. (A/N: I have no idea if they do have a pre-show ritual but here they do c:)

We all said good luck to them and we watched them as they took the stage. I loved watching them preform.

While watching them play I decided in my head that I would tell Ryan and Jacky at the same time either after or in the morning, depending on if they are up to going out after. I just hope both of them take it well.


I am so sorry that I am slacking in updating I just have a lot of homework and barely have time but don't you worry I will make time to update. Because I guess some of you guys like this story cx thank you to everyone who has voted or commented nice things on this story! I love you guys loads!

Remember to Vote, Comment, and Share if you liked it!!


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