Chapter Thirty

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I really can't believe this chapter will be the thirtieth! It's unbelievable! But I have to say thank you to all of you guys because you made my story get over 14K!! I love you all and I know this chapter is long over due but I've met this guy through a friend ermergerardway he is amazing cx okay I'll shut up since I know you guys don't want to hear about me go on about a guy so here's chapter THIRTY!!

Song; The Phoenix Reborn by Crown The Empire


Allison's P.O.V.

It's been 3 days I think since I last saw Jacky through the laptop screen and I've lost hope. I've lost the last bit of hope of them coming after me and saving me. I need to realize that life is no fairytale and in the end you're just fucked.

But no matter how many times I try to tell myself that I'm hopeless and that nobody is coming after I always have that feeling that someone will. I don't know if my feeling is correct but if it is then there is still hope. I doubt it though to be honest because in these past 3 days I've had the beatings of a life time.

My father beat me every morning after he got up and every night before he went to bed. Every night I have nightmares and I have barely slept a wink. I've become so weak in the past 3 days. I can't even think straight because of the trauma he's caused me. I hate him. I hate this life.

But of course I only came back to keep everyone else safe. And no matter how much the pain I was in it was worth it because they are all I care about right now and not to mention the little baby that is growing in me. I have been trying to protect him/her for these past few days more than I have tried to protect myself. If I can't make it out alive I hope the baby does because the baby deserves to stay alive more than I do right now.

"Get the fuck up, you lazy bitch!" I winced at the voice and crawled into a corner putting my hand on my stomach feeling the baby kick.

I heard his footsteps come down the basement stairs and with every step he took I shut my eyes tighter and tighter wishing I was with my family. My real family, with Jacky, Ryan, Ronnie, Derek, Ron, Abby, Lilyanne, Rose, all of Pierce The Veil, all of All Time Low, and anyone else that I have come across on tour.

"I said get up! Do you not understand?! Are you stupid?!" He yelled while yanking my hair and even though this is how I've been woken up for the past few days I haven't gotten use to it. I screamed and tried to get out of his grasp but it was no use.

"Please, let me go..." I said weakly after he threw me onto the ground. But he only laughed and crouched down to my level.

"Do you think I'm that stupid? If I let you go then you'll go to the police and I'd have to go to jail. I'm not going to do that you stupid little girl." He spat in my face and I could smell the alcohol on his breath from last night. I try not to gag at the smell but it was hard not to.

"I swear I won't...  Please, dad, I won't say anything.." I didn't want to throw in the 'dad' label but I needed to get out of here and I want to know if he has any heart left for his little girl that he once loved. But I guess he doesn't from the action he gave me right after.

"Don't even try to negotiate with me. Also, don't use dad around me ever again. I will never be your father ever again because you're just a disgrace to me. I have to admit I did love you until that night where my whole world collapsed because of you." Tears were now streaming down my face because I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I'm sorry! I know I screwed everything up.. What happened to Ryker was all my fault and I have to deal with that everyday of my life. Don't you think even knowing that kills me on the inside?! Your beatings never help! I loved Ryker just as much as you did! Ryker was my everything. Don't you think I would do anything in my power to get him back?! Please.. Ryker wouldn't want this.. please stop I beg you.." I looked up at him and saw his eyes watering.

"Allison, please stop.." he seemed to be pleading for me to not talk and for once he used my name and not bitch or whore. I wanted to smile at him but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He's showing more of the man I used to know and love.

After for what seemed like ages he helped me up off the ground and led me to the couch where he sat me down. I winced when sitting but I didn't show it much because I didn't want this to end. I didn't want to go back to the cold and dark basement.

"Do you want any thing..? Water? Food?" He asked with a shaky voice.

"Can I have water..? If not that is totally fine.. I don't really need it.." I said cautiously. He nodded and he went into the kitchen. This has been weird but I want to savour this moment because I haven't seen him this calm and collected since before Ryker passed away.

He soon came back with two glasses of water. He sat down a few inches away from me and handed me my water. I thanked him and we just sat there for a few minutes.

"Ally," I looked at him with wide eyes as he used my nickname, "I want to talk about Ryker.." I didn't know what to do so I just nodded my head. Because as much as I wanted to avoid this conversation I haven't talked about Ryker in 5 or 6 years and I wanted to talk to my dad about him.

This should be interesting.

Jacky's P.O.V.

It has been 3 days. I know I should have her in my arms again but every plane to California has been canceled. Just because of stupid storms and shit! I need to be next to her right now! I need her and my baby in the making in my arms.

Nobody knows how much agony I have been in these past 3 days. Of course Ryan misses his sister and Derek is having a mental break down about not seeing his best friend but, I have been in pain being away from her for so long. Allison is my everything and being away from her is truly painful I don't care if I sound like a clingy bitch I need her here with me.

But of course I have to wait because my flight was now rescheduled for the 5th time but I now only have 2 more hours until I can get on that plane. And only 4 more hours until I can try and get my Allison back.


Welp here's chapter thirty c: did you guys like it..? I'm really sorry for the delay I've just not been in the greatest state of mind.. And if this chapter is sucky I'm sorry :c But on the bright side about a week ago I went to this thing called Mayhem Fest and it was the best part of my summer!!

I have a question for you guys c: What has been the best moment of your summer?

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