3. Cuddling

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Jake Paul- It was an early night. All day Jake did not feel well and wanted to stay in bed all day. You were at work and meetings and couldn't join him until after dinner. He was sleeping when you walked into his room. You changed into his shirt and boxers. You pulled up the covers and and joined him on the bed. He woke up from that.

"Hey babe," he spoke quietly, and  smiling.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" You asked snuggling towards him.

"Better now that your here," he responds pulling you closer into his body. You fell asleep as soon as you were in his arms. He fell fast asleep as well.

Kade Speiser- He just got finished getting ready for bed. You were already in bed since you had 3 classes for college on Thursday. You were so tired but wanted to wait for your boyfriend. He finally walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey baby," he said getting under the blanket.

"Can we please just sleep," you spoke dozing off.

"Of course." He pulled you into his bare chest so that your back was facing his. He kissed your head. "Love you."

"I love you too," you murmur, falling fast asleep.

Tristan tales- You did not get any sleep last night. Tristan wanted you to go to the team 10 house this morning too. You were really tired but went anyway because you wanted to see your friends and boyfriend. You walked into the front door to see Jake  vlogging good morning to his subscribers. You did a quick wave and went to the office to see if Tristan was there. Luckily he was. You gave him a quick peck on the lips. He asked you if you wanted to go eat. When you and Tristen got back all you wanted to do was sleep on the couch. You fell asleep on the couch with Tristan spooning you from behind so you don't fall off.

All of a sudden cold water is poured on the both of you. You gasp and wake up but falling off the couch since Tristan wasn't holding you. You sit up criss cross on the ground just sitting there.

"Check it out on the vlog later!" Jake screamed. Never again will you fall asleep at the team 10 house.

Emilio Martinez - Your apartment is being renovated so you decided to sleep at the team 10 house with Emilio. You fell asleep really late with Emilio last night and was still in your clothes. He arm was draped over your stomach and you were cuddled into his side. About 9:00 Jake had a better idea than sleep and decided too wake you up. You felt a shove on your shoulder and snuggled into Emilio more.

You were shook harder and you open your eyes to see Jake. You saw him holding a taser. You quickly got out of the bed and moved out of the way. Emilio wakes up anyways from you not in his embrace and sees the taser and freaks out. You already left the room and was walking down the stairs.

"Your just going to abandon your boyfriend," Jake screams.

"No, you just have a taser!"

Ivan Martinez - Ivan wanted to show you his home in Spain for a couple days and now you are on your way home. You got two seats next to each other on the plane. You fell asleep on the plane ride with your head on his shoulder and you holding he arm. His head fell on yours. Both of you slept the whole flight. It was a really good nap. When you went on twitter later you found the photo of you and Ivan sleeping taken by a fan. You screenshot the photo and sent it to Ivan.

Chance Sutton- It was a lazy night and the both of you just wanted to watch a movie. You were on the couch. You were snuggled up against his chest and his arm around your neck. You were drawing circles on his chest. You did it really lightly at one point.

"Stopppp, your tickling me," he said while he shimmied away from you.

"Wait never mind, I'm cold," he changed his mind while pulling you closer in a hug.

Anthony Trujillo- Anthony thought that it would be a good idea to go to a drive in movie. Jake let Anthony drive his truck to the movie. He climbed on the back of the truck giving you a hand to help you up. You put a blanket and a pillow down he sat down against the back and you sat in between his legs and leaned into his chest. His hands were around you. You were so comfortable you didn't want to move after the movie ended.

AJ Mitchell- You and AJ were chilling at his place since a bunch of people are at yours. AJ was filming in the morning and is tired so you were on couch cuddling. You guys were talking about anything and everything if possible. You were sharing occasional kisses too. All of a sudden his parents walk in and see you. They were used to seeing you guys together  and went to go out there stuff in the guest room.

You were so embarrassed you hid in his chest till his parents came back even tough it's happened before.

Alex Lange - You were taking a road trip with Alex and some of his friends. You guys got the back, back seats to yourselves. It was probably about a 5 hour drive so you guys got comfortable. He laid across the backseat and you laid on top of him with your arms around him. You guys had a blanket that was rapped around you. You guys were a little cocoon.

Nick Crompton- You and nick had the BEST night sleep. You two were content as he spooned you from behind. The both of you did not want to get out of bed. He all of a sudden started to tickle you.

"No, no stop," you spoke laughing. That woke you right up. You got out of bed so fast.

"Aw no come back, I was comfortable," he says calling after you.

"Nope that's what you get!"

Chad Tepper- It was three am and you couldn't sleep. You were not comfortable. You poked Chad in his check a couple of times to wake him up. He rubbed his eyes then opened them.

"Yes baby?" He questions.

"I'm not comfortable."

He pulls you into his side so that you were cuddling his side.

"Better." You were passed out in a minute.

Sorry they got worse and worse towards the end -e

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