8. He is sick

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Jake Paul- Jake woke up with a terrible headache and a fever. He sat under the covers all morning. You gave him Advil and told him to go back to sleep. You made some breakfast and brought it up to him. You saw him out of bed and holding his camera. You put the food down on the bed.

"Jake what are you doing, go back to bed," you scold him while taking the camera.

Kade speiser - Yesterday Kade was out filming all day. He was running around place to place to get the perfect shot. The next morning he was going to film some more. You walked into the bedroom to see Kade sleeping.

You walk over to him you play with his hair until he woke up. "Hey what are you still doing home?" you ask him.

"I'm really tired," he mumbled.

"Aw ok," you say getting up.

"Can you stay with me?" You hear.

You pull back the covers and snuggle into his arms.

"Much," he replies kissing your head.

Tristan tales- Tristan had a scratchy though yesterday which made him really upset because he couldn't talk without it hurting. Through out the night it got worse and in the morning he was sick. You were lying on the couch when Tristen walks in.

"Hey sleepyhead," you say as he slowly walks toward you with blankets wrapped around him.

"I'm sick."

He gets in the couch and leans his head on your lap. You play with his hair until he fell asleep. Both of you stayed on the couch pretty much all day.

Emilio Martinez - Ever since this morning Emilio had been coughing and sneezing. He is totally sick. You told him multiple times but he denied it. You were downstairs leaning along the kitchen counter when Emilio comes up next to you.

"I have a really bad headache." He groans next to you.

You put your hand on his head then neck. "Emilio your burning up, you need to go lie down," you tell him leading his body to the couch.

"Your right, I'm sick."

Ivan Martinez - Ivan was up in the room lying in bed all day. He has a bad cold and didn't want to move. You brought him everything thing that he needed. He wanted water. When you came back upstairs you have him his water.

"Thank you so much, I feel bad you've been serving me all day. Can I give you a kiss please??" He asked wanting to thank you.

"But you will get me sick," you tell him sitting on the floor next to him.

"I don't care, I'll take of you you then." He says.

"Ok fine," you say giving in. You pull him in for a sweet kiss.

"Ok that's it you say pulling back," chucking as he tried to kiss you again.

Chance Sutton- Chance has a fever. Once you found out you went into mother mode, caring for his every need. You tucked him in blankets and everything. You brought him medicine. You whole him lightly to wake him up.

"Hey babe how are you feeling?" You ask.

"Terrible," he mumbles.

"Good because I have medicine that you need to take," you say holding the bottle up.

"Noooooooo," he whines.

In the end, he ended up taking the medicine from the help of you.

Anthony Trujillo- You woke up next to Anthony from his coughing. The cough sounded really bad.

"Are you ok?" You ask him.

"Yah I'm about to go to the gym," he says in between coughs.

"Seriously, your cough makes you sound like your dying." You tell him concerned.

From another room you hear a voice. "Cough quieter please, trying to edit."

"Anthony go get that checked out," you nudge him.

"Ok fine will you come with me," he ask you with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course," you respond getting out of bed.

AJ Mitchell- You felt someone lightly pushing you. This was a sign to wake up. You opened your eyes to AJ hovering above you.

"Good morning," you tell him smiling.

He try's to talk but his voice is barely there.

"Hey, hey don't try to talk, here," you say handing him his phone to text you.

The conversation ends with you making him tea for his voice. You wanted his voice to get better as soon as possible because he was supposed to film for his new single.

He got really upset and was sad the whole day. You cheered him up by cuddling and taking care of him.

Alex Lange - Alex was extremely sore for some reason. He could bearly move. He joined you on the couch and didn't move all day not risking pain from moving. You got him heat pads and icy hot.

You were supposed to go to the beach. He was upset that he ruined your day but you wouldn't be any happier to help him.

The next morning Alex and you went to the beach since he felt so much better after you took care of him. 

Nick Crompton- You got home from getting breakfast to see nick curled up like a ball on the bed. 

"Nick are you ok? Whats wrong?"You ask him worried.

"Everything, I don't feel well. Could you get me water." You come back upstairs and gave him water. About an hour later he is up on his feet. Turns out he was just dehydrated. 

Chad Tepper- You and chad went out for sushi last night. Throughout the night he couldn't stop throwing up. Right away you thought it was food poisoning. 

"Chad I think you need to go to the hospital," you say rubbing his back.

"Ok I think your right," You stay with him at the hospital until 12:00 at night when he finally is better. The next day you guys did what ever you wanted to do as a thank you for yesterday. 


Thank you for all the support on the book guys. It means a lot. -e

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