11. Someone catches you making out

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Jake Paul- You and Jake have been really busy lately and wanted some alone time. Both of you snuck off upstairs. You started off talking. Catching you off guard Jake leaned in to kiss you. He lips were soft and they moved against yours. You didn't want this to stop. Jake moved over so he was lying on top of you. You moved you hands to wrap around his neck as you kissed back forcefully. He bit your lip slightly as you guys are getting heated. All of a sudden the door opens and Kade walks in.

"Here's your camera," Kade says not realizing what you and Jake was currently doing until he looked up.

"I'm so sorry, I'll leave!" Kade exclaims quickly. Once the door closes you hear, "yes, uncle Kade." You laughed and put your head into Jakes chest.

Kade speiser - Team 10 was out and Kade was left editing a video in the office. You walked into the office to see a stressed Kade.

"Hey babe, you doing alright?" You ask walking over. Kade spins around in his chair pulling you on his lap so you were straddling him.

"Not really, I can't get this one part the way I want it," he tells you. "But I'm glad your here now."

"Mmnhhh" you say as he leans in to kiss you.

You meet him halfway. Your lips meet and he put his hand on your waist as you put your arms around his neck to kiss him harder. He moved his hands under your shirt slowly rising. You both were so into it that you didn't here everyone come home. Jake walked into the office vlogging. He sees your position and films it. Kade realized and screamed at Jake.

"Jake, you can not put that on your vlog!" Kade says.

"I'll think about it!" Jake yells back.

The moment was over and you went to get off of his lap. "Wait." Kade says.

You look back to him. "Don't worry about this ok, it wasn't that bad," he tells you calming down.

"Doesn't matter, Jake walked in with your hands up my shirt on his vlog, it will be everywhere." You say annoyed.

"I'll figure it out don't worry," he says once more giving you a peck, then walked out of the office to find Jake.

Tristan tales- It was valintines day and you wanted to make Tristan breakfast. You slowly got out of bed because you didn't want to wake up Tristan. You put on socks and walked downstairs. You took out the ingredients and started to make pancakes. You were watching the pancake so it doesn't burn when arms snaked around your waist.

"Good morning beautiful, happy Valentine's Day and thank you for making breakfast. It smells amazing." Tristan tells you as you lean against his bare chest swaying.

You turn off the stove so the pancake doesn't burn and turn around.

"Aw thank you Tristan," you say as you wrap your arms around his neck.

Tristan leans in to capture your lips. You kiss back harder in return. Tristan took this as a sign and bent down and picked you up so your legs were wrapped around his waist. He places you on the counter behind him. You bit slightly on his lip. He opened his mouth and you put your tongue in. His hands moved under your shirt about to pull it off. When you hear a door close. Chad comes around the corner seeing your position especially your swollen lips and messy shirt.

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