5. You get hate

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Jake Paul- You were looking on the comments of a vlog Jake posted. You were in today's one for the first time since you guys went official and wanted to see what people thought. You were reading the comments and saw a lot of hate but a lot of good things too. You don't really care what think. You love Jake and that is all that matters.

"Hey babe, did you see the comments?" Jake asked you.

"Yah, I did it's fine though, really," you told him wrapping your arms around his neck.

"It's not, your not a fame digger. You don't like even being in camera."

"Jake it's fine."

"Ok but keep you Instagram private, I like it private." He responded.

"I do too," you say as you lean in too give him a sweet peck on the lips.

Kade speiser- Kade posted a photo of him on Instagram and tagged you on it. All of his fans then stalked you to try to find the worst. You had a messy friendship in the past and it led to stuff back and forth on social media. This made you seem really mean and not a nice person. Kade was reading the comments on his own post and realized the hate towards you.

"Baby, you know this is not true right?" He says reassuring you.

"I told you what happened and you know the past problem." You tell him.

He goes onto Instagram stories about to post something ignoring you protests.

"Hi guys, Y/n is the nicest person I have ever met. If you hate someone that much to destroy a relationship from problems from the past that's ridiculous." He spoke to the camera then added it to his story.

"You did not have to do that, I know who I am and that's not going to change." You I tell him.

"Good, I like the way you are." He puts his arms around you and pulled you into a warm hug.

Tristan Tales- Tristan posted a recent photo of you two smiling with your checks pressed together. He was looking through the comments and saw the negative feedback. Tristan kept seeing that he was "fake smiling". The fans claim that he he wasn't happy. He replied to his own post saying that he is the happiest he has ever been.

"Hey Y/n!" Tristan yelled for you from upstairs. You jog up the stairs hearing his call.

"Hi, what's up, I was just making us some lunch," you ask.

"You know you make me insanely happy right," he tells you.

"Yah, of course I do, you seem extra happy actually." You notice.

"All I care is about what you think, which is the right thing, don't forget that." He tells you pulling you in for a big bear hug. He put his hands on your butt and gave it a squeeze.

"Hey! Cheeky boy!"

Emilio Martinez - In the Martinez twins recent video you confused England and Europe. You realized you mistake and fixed it. The fans caught up on your mistake. Some comments were really mean. Emilio was reading them. He felt hurt and it wasn't him they were being mean too.

"Baby you know your smart right," he tells you when he walked into the kitchen.

"Im aware, I know what classes I took and the GPA I graduated with." You tell him confused that he said that.

"What was that again?"

"Ap classes and 4.0......" you say really slowly still confused that he asked you.

He went on his phone typed something in. You felt a notification got off and saw his recent tweet.

"That's why were asking! Because the fans think I'm dumb. Emilio you don't need to prove anything to them." You say rubbing his arm.

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